Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dharma : 心经


舍利子, 色不异空, 空不异色, 色即是空, 空即是色,

受想行识, 亦复如是, 舍利子, 是诸法空相, 不生不灭, 不垢不净, 不增不减,

是故空中无色, 无受想行识, 无眼耳鼻舌身意, 无色声香味触法,

无眼界, 乃至无意识界, 无无明, 亦无无明尽, 乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽,

无苦集灭道, 无智亦无得, 以无所得故, 菩提萨埵, 依般若波罗蜜多故,

心无罣碍( guà ài ),无罣碍, 故无有恐怖, 远离颠倒梦想, 究竟涅盘,

三世诸佛, 依般若波罗蜜多故, 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,

故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是无上咒, 是无等等咒, 能除一切

苦, 真实不虚, 故说般若波罗蜜多咒,

即说咒曰, 揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃.

觀 自 在 是 觀 世 音 菩 薩 的 別 名 , 以 字 面 來 解 釋 也 相 當 好 , 意 思 是 觀 察 諸 法 實 相 本 空 後 , 對 一 切 的 外 境 外 緣就 隨 意 而 自 在 了 。 觀 自 在 是 修 行 證 果 的 境 界 , 此 時 一 切 都 如 悠 遊 的 白 雲 , 任 意 浮 遊 於 萬 里 天 空 , 一 切 都 不 再 是 掛 礙 , 一 切 都 已 安 然 , 所 以 才 能 對 於 萬 事 萬 物 產生 隨 緣而 自 由 自 在 的 態 度 , 這 種 生 命 之 啟, 多 麼 值得 我 們 身 處 五 濁 惡 世 ﹝劫 濁 、 見 濁 、 煩 惱 濁 、 眾生 濁 、 命 濁 ﹞中 的 眾生 羨 慕 啊! 但 是 不 只 能
羨 慕 而 已 , 因 為 「 眾生 皆 有 佛 性 」 , 我 們 應 努 力 的 修 行 , 只 要 肯 不 斷 的 自 度 度 人 , 總 有 一 天 , 我 們 也 會 與 觀 自 在 菩 薩 一 樣 的 自 在 啊!

般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 是 解 脫空 慧 的 意 思 , 也 可 以 解 釋 成 「 到 彼 岸 的 大 智 慧 」 。 因 為 , 唯 有 證 入 圓 滿 的 涅 槃 , 才 能 完 全 解 脫三 界 輪 迴 的 生 命 困 境 。 而 想 證 入 圓 滿 的 空 慧 , 必 須 〝 老 實 修 行 〞, 而 且 不 只 是 行 , 還 要 「 行 深 」 , 就 是 必 須 把 這 大 智 慧 深 化 到 生 命 的 最 深 處 , 如 此 方 能 在 面 對 任 何 外 境 時 , 保 持 如 如 不 動 的 自 性 , 故 此 句 才 巧 妙 的 點 出 「 行 深 」 二 字 , 因 為 這 才 是 實 修 的 關 鍵 之 處 , 如 果 沒 有 念 茲 在 茲 、 須 臾 不 離 的 保 持 般 若 , 便 沒 有 辦法 真 正 解 脫三 界 、 永 斷 輪 迴 。 故 一 個 修 行 人 , 如 果 真 有 出 三 界 的 〝 沖 天 志 〞, 則 必 須 戮 力 以 赴 , 方 能 真 正 如 願 以 償 !

當 一 個 修 行 人 經 過 因 地 努 力 的 修 行 後 , 當 他 通 達 了 無 常 、 無 我 的 空 慧 之 後 , 他 剎 那 明 白 了 原 來 一 切 的 本 質 皆 空 , 連 這 個 五 蘊 色 身 ~ 一 個 與 我 們 生 命 最 密 切 的 存 有 , 它 的 本 質 也 是 空 。 這 時 他 徹 頭 徹 尾 的 照 見 了 色 、 受 、 想 、 行 、 識 的 虛 妄 , 而 從 這 虛 妄 中 徹 底 的 覺 醒 了 過 來 。 於 是 他 不 再 受 這 些 外 相 、 外 境 、 外 緣 的 束 縛 , 他 已 經 完 全 自 由 了 , 因 為 他 僅 從 自 身 的 五 蘊 , 就 已 經 完 完 全 全 的 明 白 了 宇 宙 至 極 的 真 理 - - 空 。

當 一 個 修 行 人 證 入 果 地 後 , 他 自 由 解 脫了 。 於 是 他 才 有 真 正 的 能 力 去 救 度 一 切 的 苦 厄 , 因 為 唯 有 自 己 到 達 了 彼 岸 , 才 真 正 能 夠正 確 無 誤 的 , 帶 領 猶 在 苦 海 沉浮 的 三 界 眾生 也 同 樣 的 到 達 彼 岸 。 故 一 個 良 好 的 修 行 人 , 他 的 知 見 是 如 法 華 經 所 說〝 唯 一 佛 乘 〞, 因 為 只 有 究
竟 成 就 了 , 我 們 才 能 完 全 明 白 , 什 麼 是 〝 本 地 風 光 〞、 什 麼 是 〝 本 來 面 目 〞, 否 則 都 只 是 聞 人 說空 亦 鸚 鵡 學 語 罷 了 。 所 以 , 只 有 究 竟 成 就 , 才 能 度 盡 一 切 苦 厄 , 就 如 偉 大 的 觀 世 音 菩 薩 , 他 其 實 是 正 法 明 如 來 倒 駕 慈 航 , 化 現 與 三 界 眾生 較 接 近 的 菩 薩 而 方 便 度 眾。 我 們 常 聽 到 人 們 虔 誠 的 讚 頌 觀 世 音 菩 薩 : 「 千 處 祈 求 千 處 應 , 苦 海 常 作 度 人 舟 。 」 那 有 求 必 應 、 無 量 無 邊 、 悲 願 深 切 的 胸 襟 , 令 人 不 禁 感 激 涕 零 、 動 容 良 久 。 啊! 南 無 大 慈 大 悲 救 苦 救 難 廣 大 靈 感 觀 世 音 菩 薩 , 那 度 盡 眾生 一 切 苦 厄 的 廣 大 悲 願 , 是 凡 夫 俗 子 望 塵 莫 及 的 。 但 是 啊! 我 們 不 能 氣 餒 , 而 應 奮 力 效 法 , 如 是 , 則 總 有 一 天 也 能 如 觀 世 音 菩 薩 一 般 〝 尋 聲 救 苦 〞、 〝 苦 海 常 作 度 人 舟 〞了 。

舍 利 子 是 佛 陀 的 十 大 弟 子 之 一 , 以 智 慧 通 達 稱 著 , 心 經 便 是 應 其 問 而 應 機 說法 , 充 滿 了 佛 陀 的 證 量 精 華 以 及 諄 諄 教 誨 的 慈 悲 為 懷 。 緬 懷 佛 陀 在 世 , 能 有 幸 跟 隨 佛 陀 親 聆 法 音 是 多 麼 的 福 報 廣 大 , 但 是 啊! 末 法 時 代 的 佛 子 啊! 儘 管 佛 陀 早 已 涅 槃 , 儘 管 世 界 動 盪 不 安 , 我 們 還 是 要 珍 惜 一 切 的 經 藏 , 深 心 閱讀 , 則 如 同 佛 陀 在 世 , 亦 如 同 親 自 參 與 法 筵 !

一 切 的 色 相 , 它 的 本 質 都 是 空 。 無 論 色 相 產生 了 什 麼 樣 的 變 化 , 例 如 無 垠 的 天 空 , 也 許 會 刮 風 , 也 許 會 飄 雨 , 也 許 會 有 幾 朵白 雲 流 浪 , 但 是 啊! 天 空 還 是 天 空 , 並 不 會 因 為 風 、 雨 、 雲 、 雷 、 電 等 而 改 變 , 所 以 色 相 的 本 質 即 空 , 所 以 一 切 本 空 。 以 一 切 本 空 的 諸 法 實 相 來 看 , 則 有 的 本 質 即 空 , 故 色 不 異 空 。

如 果 把 角 度 再 調 換 一 下 , 就 是 從 空 的 本 質 來 看 , 由 於 空 的 本 質 當 然 還 是 空 , 而 色 相 的 本 質 也 是 空 , 所 以 當 然 也 是 空 不 異 有 , 也 就 是 空 不 異 色 。 這 段 以 反 過 來 的 角 度 探 索 空 與 有 的 關 係 , 但 空 畢 竟 是 空 , 所 以 不 論 從 那 一 個 角 度 探 究 , 它 依 舊 是 〝 空 〞。 因 此 , 空 是 顛 撲 不 破 的 宇 宙 真 理 , 只 有 真 正 了 解 、 明 白 、 安 住 、 鞏 固 於 空 了 , 才 是 真 正 的 修 行 人 。

萬 事 萬 物 的 本 質 是 空 , 宇 宙 中 的 森 羅 萬 象 , 從 日 月 星 辰 到 草 木 蟲 魚 , 一 切 的 一 切 , 都 是 色 相 , 而 色 相 的 背 後 所 蘊 含 的 真 理 就 是 空 , 所 以 有 即 是 空 , 也 就 是 〝 色 即 是 空 〞。 此 句 是 從 前 句 〝 不 異 〞推 演 而 來 。 〝 不 異 〞就 是 〝 等 於 〞, 〝 等 於 〞就 是 〝 即 是 〞。 故 不 論 正 說、 反 說, 都 是 在 在 說明 〝 緣起 性 空 〞的 真 義 。

色 可 以 解 釋 成 人 身 的 〝 色 蘊 〞 , 這 是 以 自 身 的 觀 點 來 觀 察 , 那 麼 應 用 於 此 四 句 , 即 可 還 原 成 〝 色 蘊 不 異 空 , 空 不 異 色 蘊 , 色 蘊 即 是 空 , 空 即 是 色 蘊 〞 。 而 推 演 出 來 的 話 , 則 〝 一 即 一 切 〞 , 所 以 也 可 以 把 這 四 句 推 廣 成 : 〝 色 相 不 異 空 , 空 不 異 色 相 ; 色 相 即 是 空 , 空 即 是 色 相 。 〞 所 以 心 經 的 結 構 相 當 嚴 謹 , 佛 陀 先 善 巧 的 教 導 我 們 從 最 近 的 色 身 觀 察 起 , 而 如 果 我 們 明 白 了 色 身 的 本 質 是 空 , 那 麼 就 容 易 明 白 其 他 萬 事 萬 物 的 本 質 , 也 一 樣 是 空 了 。 所 以 佛 陀 是 最 偉 大 的 教 育 家 , 把 宇 宙 至 深 的 道 理 , 用 最 顯 淺 的 例 子 生 動 的 開 導 啟 示 我 們 , 真 是 令 人 讚 歎 !

前 面 已 把 五 蘊 之 一 的 色 蘊 與 空 的 關 係 說得 清 楚 明 白 , 所 以 此 處 就 省 略 了 重 複 說明 的 地 方 , 把 五 蘊 的 其 他 四 蘊 : 受 、 想 、 行 、 識 , 以 一

句 「 亦 復 如 是 」 帶 過 。 因 為 話 如 果 已 經 說清 楚 了 , 又 何 必 多 廢 唇 舌 , 所 以 這 裡 又 是 方 便 善 巧 之 處 , 也 是 再 度 揭示 〝 一 即 一 切 , 一 切 即 一 〞的 真 理 。

心 經 的 重 點 主 旨 也 不 外 乎 是 要 說明 〝 一 切 本 空 〞。 站 在 空 的 立 場 而 言 , 不 論 一 切 的 外 相 呈 顯 什 麼 , 它 的 本 質 終 究 還 是 空 , 所 以 , 「 空 相 」 是 指 一 切 都 是 空 的 相 貌 。 空 如 同 一 個 最 千 變 萬 化 的 演 員 , 他 可 以 化 各 種 不 同 的 妝 , 他 可 以 演 各 種 不 同 的 角 色 , 但 無 論 如 何 , 他 還 是 他 , 並 不 會 因 為 化 妝 的不 同 , 或 是 角 色 的 不 同 而 有 所 改 變 。 「 空 」 亦 然 , 無 論 空 的 相 貌 如 何 的 不 同 , 空 的 本 質 , 穿 透 這 些 外 相 紛 雜 之 後 , 空 畢 竟 還 是 - - 空 。

心 的 本 質 - - 空 。 心 是 一 切 萬 法 的 源 頭 , 既 然 如 此 , 它 可 以 是 山 , 可 以 是 海 , 可 以 是 日 , 可 以 是 月 ……, 它 可 以 是 一 切 的 一 切 , 但 是 分 析 到 最 後 不 能 再 分 析 之 時 , 萬 事 萬 物 之 間 產生 了 共 同 之 點 , 那 就 是 - - 一 切 都 由 心 所 創 造 , 一 切 都 只 是 心 王 的 遊 戲 罷 了 。 「 空 」 是 宇 宙 最 終 極 的 存 有 , 請 注 意 , 這 〝 存 有 〞二 字 也 只 是 假 名 安 立 , 因 為 空 已 經 超 越 有 或 無 , 實 在 不 能 說它 是 有 , 也 實 在 不 能 說它 是 無 , 總 而 言 之 , 當 一 切 的 妄 念 止 息 之 後 , 空 的 狀態 就 豁 然 開 朗 了 。 故 切 記 不 能 以 相 對 世 界 的 有 或 無 去 理 解 「 空 」 , 因 為 這 是 一 條 行 不 通 的 路 , 只 有 脫離 了 語 言 文 字 的 束 縛 , 以 直 觀 的 方 法 才 能 碰觸 到 所 謂 的 「 空 」 。 所 以 , 不 論 一 切 如 何 變 化 , 「 空 」 還 是 「 空 」 , 「 空 」 已 經 超 越 了 現 象 界 的 生 、 住 、 異 、 滅 , 它 是 沒 有 所 謂 開 始 或 結 束 , 更 沒 有 所 謂 的 生 或 死 , 它 是 一 種 「 不 生 不 滅 」 的 永 恆 境 界 。




































願眾生一起到達光明的彼岸!智慧啊!大智慧!摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經結束時的咒語如是祈願與讚頌著在這無明的三界擁有般若,是最彌足珍貴的一件事,而一個發過悲願的菩薩,也唯有同時擁有了悲與智才能真正實現他內心歷千百劫而不滅的菩提大願:願眾生離苦得樂願眾生早證菩提願眾生圓滿所願願眾生得究竟覺 .

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Crystal healing: How to use crystal healing for insomnia?

Many people maybe suffering from insomnia. They may have problem falling asleep or staying asleep. Some reasons are stress, consumption of caffeine or alcohol & their lifestyle.

Stress can be due to working, financial difficulties, relationship etc. A good regular workout exercise, meditation or writing down in your diary will help to manage stress.

You may also start a daily pre-sleep diary on your pre-sleep behaviour. You can include the timing you go to bed, the activities carried out before bedtime, the food & beverages consumed before bedtime, the duration of sleep etc. Review your diaries & make changes accordingly.

Crystal healing can also be used for insomnia. Follow the steps ;

- Use a tumbled amethyst or tumbled sodalite crystal. Amethyst helps to calm & soothe the mind while sodalite deals with nightmares & fears disturbing your sleep.

- Lie on your bed & relax. Place the crystal on your third eye chakra. You may leave it in this position while falling asleep or remove & put in under your pillow after 15 minutes.

Option 1
- Place one hand on your stomach area, close, your eye & relax. Breathe in slowly, filling your belly completely with air & relax as you breathe out slowly.

- Focus on your belly on the expanding & relaxing until you feel completely relaxed.

Option 2
- Visualise a peaceful or calming scenario such as strolling in the nature, swimming etc.

- Focus on the repetitive rhythm and relax.

海濤法師 供水供燈功德


Monday, November 17, 2014

Dharma :消灾解厄 第三章 消灾解厄, 改变命运。

3.1 : 命起动方式

(甲) - 注定的命: 两边都有力量在拉扯。

坏命 {--- 冤亲债主,造业,做坏事   命  修行,做善事  ---} 好命

造业,冤亲债主 把我们的命往坏命的方向拉。




右边拉扯的力量: 如果我们做善事的话,老天会奖赏我们,赐福赐寿给我们,让我们的命越来越好。而且,现在是现世报,如果我们把不好的习贯改掉,老天会奖赏我们,让我们的命变的越来越好。


(乙) - 没修行,没做善事 :命往坏的地方走。

坏命 {--- 冤亲债主,造业,做坏事   命  没修行,没做善事  ---} 没好命



(丙)- 修行,做善事 :命往好的地方走。

没坏命 {--- 没冤亲债主,没造业,没做坏事   命  修行,做善事  ---} 好命



3.2 解决方法之一:和冤亲债主解决

(甲)真心惨悔,求冤亲债主原谅 - 冤亲债主气消一些了,比较愿意和我们谈条件了。

(乙)尽力补过,念经文,做功德回向给他 - 想办法帮他离苦得乐。这样冤亲债主比较容易

(丙)帮他离苦得乐持续做三到九年以上 - 他离苦得乐了,我们也跟着离苦得乐。

坏命 {--- 没冤亲债主,造业,做坏事   命  修行,做善事  -------} 好命



- 我们要真心向冤亲债主惨悔,惨悔我们以前对不起他们,求他们能够大人大量原谅我们。


-佛言:(因果报应通三世,灭苦之要,为有惨悔。)所以, 我们一定要低下头来认错,只有


- 所以,我们要真心向冤亲债主惨悔,我们可以借由(拜惨)展现我们真心惨悔的心,借由



- 如果只有拜惨,当然不够的,惨悔只是让冤亲债主的气消一些吧了,我们还要尽力补过,以


- 其实,冤亲债主也很苦,他们现在在鬼道受苦,当然会把气出在曾经得罪过他的人身上。所










- 道经: 玄零玉皇宝经,明圣经, 南斗北斗经,大解冤经,治心消孽真经。。。
- 德教:德教心典, 玉皇普度皇经。
- 佛经:普门品, 药师经, 地藏经, 法华经,金刚经, 阿弥陀经,般若波罗蜜多心经。。。
- 惨文:梁皇宝惨, 三昧水惨,药师宝惨。。。
- 咒语:大悲咒,观音零感真言,佛灭罪真言,往生净土神咒,如意宝轮王陀罗尼,




3.3 解决方法之二:修行,不再造业。





- (甲) 修行:从日常生活中做起。

其时修行不是要到寺庙里面去才叫做修行。修行是从(行住坐卧)中去修,是从日常生活中做起。- 玄零玉皇宝经:(完美八宝{孝悌忠信礼仪廉耻},天上金刚。)就是告诉我们,修行是从生活中做起,只要我们做到了基本的做人道理:孝悌忠信礼仪廉耻,那么我们就可以成为天上金刚了。


- (乙)修行:从分辩是非善恶做起



不修行的话 - 还债一笔一笔还 + 不修行的话很容易造业 = 新债继续增加,债不见的越来越少。

修行的话 - 还债一笔一笔还 + 修行的话不再造业= 新债不再增加,债越来越少。

3.4 解决方法之三:做善事,积功德。

坏命 《---- ——没有冤亲债主   命    做善事  ---————》 好命
                            没有继续造业          积功德


- 我们解决了冤亲债主的问题,而且不再造业以后,我们会回到原本(注定的命),但我们不

    - 我们和冤亲债主和解了,只代表以后没有人来扯我们的后腿了,没有人来阻碍我们了,以

    - 我们不再造业了也只代表我们不会增加新的冤亲债主,而且不会因为做错事而被老天爷惩


    - 当然我们这样做,我们的命一定比以前好很多,因为以前,这些因素把我们(注定的命)

    - 因为命出生时就已经注定了,所以,要改变我们的命,就只有做善事,积功德,这样老天


    - 救人的窍,一文钱,一口水,不算少。
    - 文衡圣帝功果律: (积与累是功德之基,仁与慈是功德之本,故积之,累之,仁之,慈
    - 所以,重要的不是善的大小,布施的钱的多与少,重要的是我们的心,只要我们心存善
    - 做善事的方式有很多种,我们可以出钱:如助印善书,布施,我们可以出力:如帮忙流通
    - 我们要多做善事,勿以善小而不为,就算是小善,点滴也能成河,聚沙也能成塔。


    - 劝人向善,一个字,一句话,不白费。
    - 我们可以以(文字)的方式,或是以(口) 的方式,劝人为善。如果有人因为我们的关系
    - 我们可以以(助印善书)的方式,或是以(帮忙流通善书)的方式,让更多的人接处到善
    - 所以,我们要努力行善,同时也要努力劝人为善,让每个人都能和我们一样开始做善事,

3.5 改变命运之道


    - 很多问题的发生,都是因为冤亲债主在向我们讨债,所以我们要过好日子,我们就要把冤
    - 由于冤亲债主在讨债时,手里握有讨债令,任何神佛都不得阻止,所以要解决冤亲债主的
    - 所以,我们要真心向冤亲债主惨悔,求得这些冤亲债主的原谅,同时我们要努力补过,尽
    - 只有我们努力去做,以诚意感动冤亲债主,这样他们才有可能原谅我们,才有可能不再向


    - 和冤亲债主解冤解结了,只代表以后没有人扯我们的后腿,没有人来阻碍我们了,我们做
    - 所以,我们要开始修行,把我们不好的习性改掉,免得我们一边还债一边又增加新的冤亲
    - 所以,从日常生活中做起:孝悌忠信礼仪廉耻,当我们能做到的一天,我们也可以成仙成


    - 我们的命在生下来的那一刻就已经注定了,只是因为冤亲债主来讨债,加上我们自己造
    - 所以,我们解决了冤亲债主的问题,以及我们自己不再造业,只是让我们的命回到原本注
    - 所以,我们要把命命变成好命,只有一个方法,就是做善事,积功德,让老天爷赐福赐寿
    - 只要我们功德积的越多,越大,我们的命就越容易改变。

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Crystal: How to clear negative energy from your aura using selenite crystal wand

Selenite is a soft, white, transparent or semi-transparent crystal. The hardness scale in Mohs is 2 (1 - softest to 10 hardest).

Selenite Crystal Wand can be used for clearing negative energy in your aura.

- Relax & calm yourself down.
- Hold the wand in one hand and raise it above your other hand about a few centimetres away from 
  the other hand.
- Start combing your aura in a outward direction or top to bottom direction.
- You will be able to feel its energy combing your aura.
- You can do it on your other parts of your body.

Selenite Crystal Wand also acts as a good healing too. Energy healer is able to channel energy through them. The healer can use it to locate health problem in the body. More details will be discussed later.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Crystal Protection: How to protect yourself

Emotional sensitive people tends to pick up stress, anger and other negative emotions from the people around them. If you travel on public transport, you may absorb negative energy from many strangers. Mobile phones, computers, laptops generate electromagnetic pollution which will affect sensitive people.

You can use crystals to protect you from all these negative unwanted energy. For home, you can place a amethyst geode or large cluster near your door entrance for general protection.

You can also create crystal grid by placing crystals at each corner of your home. For a building, the crystals can be placed outside, at each exterior corner. Large chunky crystals of smoky quartz, sodalite, citrine, amber, carnelian, jasper, amethyst, labradorite, bloodstone, lapis lazuli and rose quartz are especially effective. If the crystal you have chosen has a point, aim it away from the house to deflect negative energy.

Decorate your flower pots of flowers with citrine and tiger's eye instead of rocks to ensure serenity in your garden.

For office, place a piece of fluorite or a quartz cluster on top of your computer to protect yourself from electromagnetic pollution.

Place a clear quartz cluster on your desk to dispel static electricity.

A large smoky quartz on your desk can protect you from picking up other peoples stress and frustration.

Keep a crystal ball at desk to promote forward thinking and absorb any negative energy from colleagues.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Real life ghost story: Haunted office at Duxton Road

Mr M and Mr A opens a advertising firm at Duxton road in Singapore. Their office is at the 3rd storey with an attic, at one of the old shophouses. Mr M likes to keep toy figurines such as predator, lord of the rings, beside his workstation in the attic.

One day, he was rushing his work and worked until very late. He fell asleep in few minutes time. There was no other people in the office except him as it was already 3am in the morning. Out of a sudden, he felt someone slapped him hard in the face that caused him to jump. Mr M looked around but there was no one. He thought he was dreaming until he heard some noise. It was someone typing using the keyboard at level 3 office. He went to investigate but there was no one using the keyboard.

Suddenly, he felt a gush of cold wind blowing to his face. Mr M immediately rush out of the office while screaming out loud. The next day, he met up with his partner Mr J for breakfast. Only then, did Mr J told him that he also saw a shadow walked past him while on his way to the toilet. They concluded that there is some spirit in the office and need to resolve this issue.

Mr KK, their project manager husband who has the ability to communicate with spirits is asked to help. Upon reaching level 1, Mr KK could felt the presence of the spirits. He went up to the level 3 office and start to scan around with his 3rd eye. Indeed, there is a man and a boy standing at the attic where the figurine are.

Mr KK started to sit down and go into meditation state. He saw the boy was killed in a car accident & the man was killed in a fire. He communicated with them and ask them to let go of their attachments and go to where they should go & they agreed.

Without delay, Mr KK started his chanting and the man left with the boy. Mr KK then carry out space cleansing in the entire level 3 office and attic and instill positive energy. Any place that has spirits staying there will have negative energy which is not beneficial to human being.

Mr A & Mr M are also advised not to keep too many devilish figurine in their office that will attract spirits.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Crystal healing : How to do crystal healing for headache

Option 1

- Lie down on bed with pillow under your head.
- Place a tumbled amethyst crystal on your forehead near the pain area.
- Close your eyes and relax
- Breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply.
- Relax your muscles, begin from your feet and slowly to your lower body and to upper body.
- Pay attention to your mouth or jaw and relax any tension felt.
- Remain at this state for about 30mins for the crystal energy to work.
- When finish, remember to cleanse your crystal.

Option 2 ( For chronic headaches including migraine, it works better)

- Lie down on bed with pillow under your head.
- Place a small amethyst crystal with a single termination point under your head, at the base of your
   skull, with the termination point towards your feet.
-  Close your eyes and relax
- Breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply.
- Relax your muscles, begin from your feet and slowly to your lower body and to upper body.
- Pay attention to your mouth or jaw and relax any tension felt.
- Remain at this state for about 30mins for the crystal energy to work.
- When finish, remember to cleanse your crystal

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Crystal; Amethyst

Amethyst is classic purple in colour.

Benefits of Amethyst

- for calming & purifying
- improves temperamental
- alleviates addictions such as alcoholism and drunkenness
- reduces anger
- boosts aura & provide protection
- good for insomnia
- support emotional energy and help mental balancing
- promotes flow & moving forward in life
- success in business & acquisition of wealth
- magnify the energy of other crystal
- good for headaches, migraine
- good for heart & immune system

You may place amethyst cluster, tumbled or geode on your desk or bedside as an helping tool to stimulate your intuition.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chakra: Balancing of Chakra

To remove energy blockages or unbalances of a physical,  mental, emotional  & spiritual nature before illness manifest itself in the physical body. Certain issues are associated with certain chakra. You can work on the chakra with crystal to resolve this problems or issues.

Crystals are good energy transmitters. Their crystalline structure amplify your healing intentions and restores & rebalance your body energy by removing blockages, drawing off excess energy and shoring up weakness.

The specific crystal and a health problem is linked and is often based on the crystal's colour and frequency of vibration or subtle electromagnetic field.

Crystals with lower vibration (red, orange and yellow crystals) heal conditions related to the lower chakras while crystals with a higher vibration (green, indigo, violet, blue crystals) heal conditions on the higher chakras.

Nowadays, stress is always the root cause of energy blockages & imbalances in our body that result illness to surface and we explore the importance of being grounded which means firmly anchored to the ground as if we are rooted to the earth before we try to rebalance ourselves.

In modern days, everyone experience stress in their life. In workplace, they have to rush to meet deadline , handle difficult colleagues, clients etc. At home, have to worry about financial issue, children etc.

Stress can cause energy blockages in any of our chakra.

We use the energy of the main crystal that are associated with individual chakra to work on each chakra and rebalance ourselves. Whenever we feel drained off, this will be a good way to boost up our energy.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Aura: How to feel own energy?

How do I feel my own energy?

- Relax yourself and calm down.
- Slowly, rub your both hands gently together and then separate them at a distance of about 20cm as
  if you are holding a football.
- Close your eyes and gently try to push your hands to the football.
- What you feel will depend on your individual energy field. Some may feel resistance as they try to
   push their hands together while others may feel a tingling sensation or spiky feeling.
- What you feel is your own energy.
- Take a crystal and rub it softly between your hands and repeat the exercise above.
- The feeling you get will vary depends on the type of crystals that will affect your energy field.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Aura is an energy field surrounding our physical body. This energy is also known as chi, ki, universal life force, prana, is also flowing around our body in channels called meridians.

In order for us to be healthy, this universal life force must be able to flow smoothly around our bodies. However, many ways of our living lifestyle can affect it. For example, negative thought pattern, constant stress, depression can cause blockages and imbalances in the flow of this energy. This often manifests itself as a feeling of being out of sorts or even as an illness.

Crystal healing is able to clear the blockage and rebalance the flow of energy by readjusting it and return it to its natural, optimal level. We will become healthy again.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Crystal: How to meditate with Crystal

- Find a quiet room where there is no disturbance
- Sit down, relax, play some gentle, relaxing music. Light a candle if you like to.
- Place some crystals around you.
- Choose one crystal to focus on and allow yourself to explore it with all your senses.
- Remember the colour, the shape, the size clearly.
- Connect with the crystal and be aware of any sensations and feelings, be it physically, mentally,
   emotionally or spiritually.
- Breathe in slowly & out slowly.
- Stay in this process for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
- You can meditate daily and if time permits, extend to15 minutes progressively.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Crystal: How to find your own chakras

There are many pictures showing the location of chakras. One of the simple way to feel and find your own chakras within your own body is as follows;

- Find a quiet room where no one can disturb you.
- Sit down and relax.
- Hold your palm about 3cm away from one of the chakra you want to feel.
- Breathe in & out regularly & slowly.
- Visualise a white light glowing between your palm and your body.
- You will feel energy streaming from the relevant chakra.
- Do not feel disappointed if you cant feel anything at your first attempt.
- You have to try few more times and do not feel excited or tense up.
- Main point is to stay relaxed and calm.
- All these chakras are susceptible to external energy forces including crystals.
- Each crystal is associated with a specific colour and this is the colour of the crystal most often used 
   in this form of healing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Crystal: Find out your birthstone now.

There are crystals associated with every month which is also known as birthstone. It is believed that when one wear a birthstone, he will be lucky with good fortune.

January - Garnet or Rose Quartz

February - Amethyst or Onxy

March - Aquamarine or Bloodstone

April - Clear Quartz or Diamond

May - Chrysoprase or Emerald

June - Moonstone or Pearl

July - Carnelian or Ruby

August - Peridot or Sardonyx

September - Lapis Lazuli or Sapphire

October - Opal or Tourmaline

November - Citrine or Tiger's Eye

December - Turquoise or Zircon

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Crystal: How to take care and look after crystal

Crystals have energy and should be treated with respect. Do not throw them around. If you have tumbled crystals used for healing or divining purpose, you can keep them inside a velvet pouch, silk pouch, or a box. Do not let other people touch your crystals as their energy will be stained onto your crystals.

Alternatively, you can place them at your house or office at the appropriate place such as work desks or beside your bed.

Some crystals are softer than the other and other shapes such as single point, double point, cluster etc are easily broken or damaged. You can keep them separate from one another by wrapping in a velvet or silk cloth /pouch.As tumbled crystals are more resistant to damaged, it is fine to keep them together in a pouch.

If you are wearing crystal bracelet and your friend or stranger happen to touch it, you may want to cleanse it when you go home.

You can meditate with your crystal if you want to. It will discussed later.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Crystal: How to do Crystal Pendulum Dowsing?

Dowsing is a form of divining used to find ground water, metals, gemstones , oil  etc in the ground without the use of scientific equipment. The items use for dowsing are, wand, L rod,  pendulum etc. Anyone can dowse regardless of age, but need some practice.

Choose a crystal pendulum. Cleanse it and start program your crystal pendulum. The purpose of programming your crystal is to focus your energy you wish to impart to the crystal. Focus on your intent and visualise it flow into the crystal from your third eye chakra into the crystal. Your thoughts have energy and vibration. In this process, you are putting the energy into your crystal.

 Hold the crystal pendulum infront of your third eye chakra and say: ' I, (your name), the owner of this crystal pendulum, will be using it for dowsing purpose. I promise to use my crystal pendulum only for good.

Before you start the crystal pendulum dowsing, you have to hold the chain of the pendulum with your hand, and tell it , if the answer is yes rotate clockwise/ swing forth,/ left to right , if the answer is no rotate anticlockwise or vice versa. Start by asking a simple question such as, am I a boy/ girl? You will notice the pendulum will start to move slowly, and rotate in circle, or side to side, back and forth.

You can then start to ask the opposite question of what you just ask and the answer should be opposite. You should notice a different movement.

Crystal Pendulum is like all spiritual tools. It responds to how they are being treated. If you are serious and ask your question sensibly, so that they can be answered in the affirmative or negative, your crystal pendulum will always give you the correct answer. But if you treat it as a game and or continually ask the same question repeatedly, it will respond accordingly.






Sunday, October 26, 2014

Crystal: How to feel Crystal energy in the Heart Chakra?

Hold a quartz crystal about 2cm from the centre of your chest which is the Heart Chakra. Then move slowly in the anti clockwise direction.

It may take a few minutes to notice something, not just in your hand or the crystal or over your chest but within you. You may feel emotional, happy, sad. It is essentially energy flowing in, through, and out of your heart chakra: balancing, healing and creating the possibility for change

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Crystal: What is Chakra?

Chakra are energy points or energy center in our body which energy flows through. There are seven main chakras and they can affect us physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. Therefore, it is important to know what each chakra represents and how to heal it.

1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
  • Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
  • Issues: Survival, financial independence, money, and food, connection to earth, security, passion
  • Related body parts: pelvis, immune system, bones, hips, rectum, legs, ankles and feet.
  • Potential health problem: problems with hips, knees, ankles, feet, pelvic pain, rectal tumour, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, sciatica.
  • Crystal: Red Jasper, Garnet, smoky quartz, bloodstone, ruby, red calcite.
  • Colour: Red, dark red, greenish red, brownish red, red black.
  • Fragrance Association: Patchouli

2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
  • Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
  • Issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, relationship.
  • Related body parts: Lower spine, appendix, bladder, kidney, large intestine, sexual organs.
  • Potential health problem: kidney stone, appendicitis, bladder infections, impotence, infertility, lower back pain, premenstrual tension.
  • Crystal: Carnelian, Tiger's eye, orange calcite, moonstone, fire opal.
  • Colour: Orange, peach, yellow-orange, reddish orange
  • Fragrance Association: Ylang Ylang

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
  • Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
  • Issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, responsibility.
  • Related body parts: stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, middle spine.
  • Potential health problem: Diarrhoea, constipation, gallstone, eating disorders, hepatitis, indigestion, diabetes, colon cancer, ulcers.
  • Crystal: Citrine, Topaz or amber, sunstone, yellow calcite, golden topaz.
  • Colour: Yellow, golden yellow, honey-coloured, gold.
  • Fragrance Association: Neroli

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
  • Location: Center of chest just above heart.
  • Issues: Love, joy, inner peace, relationship, harmony
  • Related body parts: Heart and circulatory system, upper spine, breasts, shoulders & arms, lungs, chest, ribs.
  • Crystal: Malachite, emerald, agate, jade, peridot , rose quartz, pink tourmaline.
  • Colour: Green, olive green, emerald green, pale pink, bright pink, rose pink
  • Fragrance Association: Rose

5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.
  • Location: Throat.
  • Issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth, justice
  • Related body parts: Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, gums, jaws, thyroid, neck vertebrae, oesophagus.
  • Potential health problem: sore throat, laryngitis, frequent colds, gum disease, dental problems, thyroid problems, swollen glands, stiff neck.
  • Crystal: Blue lace agate, sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, celestite, aqua aura
  • Colour: Blue, turquoise blue, light blue, bright blue, blue green, royal blue.
  • Fragrance Association: Lavender

6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
  • Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
  • Issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions, dream.
  • Related body parts: Brain, central nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, pituitary gland, pineal gland.
  • Potential health problem: Epilepsy, eye problems, sinus infections, headaches, migraine, stroke, deafness, insomnia, nightmares.
  • Crystal: Amethyst, iolite, azurite, purple fluorite, lilac kunzite, sugilite, blue chalcedony.
  • Colour: Indigo, deep purple, purple blue, dark lavender.
  • Fragrance Association: Sandalwood

7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
  • Location: The very top of the head.
  • Issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss, awareness,
  • Related body parts: Whole body system- skeletal system, muscular system, skin, neurological system.
  • Potential health problem: Chronic exhaustion without physical reason, skin diseases, environmental illness, neurosis, mental illness.
  • Crystal:Clear quartz, purple jasper, purple sapphire, diamond, apophyllite,
  • Colour: Violet
  • Fragrance Association: Frankincense.



Friday, October 24, 2014

Crystal: How to feel energy?

Do this exercise will help you to feel the energy around and inside you in response to the interplay between a crystal and your body's energy system. Take note of these feelings as they are sometimes very subtle. Do not worry about what you feel or where you feel it, only that you feel something. It will be helpful to note it down on your experiences.

Find a quiet place together with a friend. Close your eyes and stretch your hands out with both palms facing up.

Ask your friend to use a single point quartz crystal over one of your palm., with the terminating pointing toward your palm. Ask your friend to rotate the quartz crystal slowly about 2cm above your palm.

Notice the difference in how your two palms feel. Look for physical feelings such as one palm feel warmer, cooler, heavier, lighter, itchier and some tingy feeling and so on. Do not worry too much about what you feel, where you feel it, or how you describe it. Important thing is you feel a difference, no matter how slight between the palm with the quartz crystal above it and the other palm. If you do not sense anything, try shaking your palms hard before you begin. It will make it easier to sense subtle energy.

Crystal: How do I select crystal?

There are so many types of crystal, how do I choose for myself or for others?

First and foremost, ask yourself why do you need the crystal for before you search for the correct ones to help the condition or symptoms.

Follow your gut feeling or intuition. Feeling drawn or attracted in any way to a crystal suggests that you may need it. It will stand out from the rest, as though shouting out loud to you, waving at you and that is the one for you. However you are drawn to the crystals, they will help you, often in an unexpected ways. If you are selecting as a gift for friend, keep that person in mind when choosing. Sometimes it helps to look at a photo of that friend or write their name on a paper.

Sometimes when we work with crystals, we may feel emotional, perhaps shedding some tears or being irritable, as you release the ensnared disturbing experience. After a while, the emotion is freed, you will feel better. These are the unpleasant feeling or experiences one encounter and had suppressed  them and buried deep in our subconscious.

Take the crystals that attracts your attention and hold it in your palms. Close your eyes and relax while holding onto the crystals. You may feel a tingling on your palm or a pulsating feeling or a sensation of warmth or coolness. You may also feel an energetic charge in some part of your body, such as the top part of your head or middle of your chest.

If these sensations are pleasurable, the crystal you hold in your palm is resonating with some aspect of your body and is likely to be a good one for you to work with. If the sensations are unpleasant, it maybe  good to read about the crystal properties and ask yourself whether it is bringing up something you are avoiding. Take note of what you had discover so that you can come back to this crystal later.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spiritual : How spirit attach to human?

Every human has aura which is a magnetic energy field. There are some people who attract spirits  into their energy field naturally. The probability of spirit attached to you will also depends on your aura strength. If your aura is strong, healthy and complete, it will repel spirits. If one has weak, incomplete & irregular shape aura, spirits may attach to you.

How will one aura be weaken? Physical or mental sickness, surgery, certain medication especially chemotherapy and anti psychotics, drugs, undue stress, negativity thoughts,  alcohol, cigarettes etc will weaken or damaged one's aura.

As one develop spiritually, our vibration will be higher and we are able to open and expand our auric field. The higher our vibration and the clearer our energy, the more light we can bring in and therefore channel or project. If our energy is filled with light, it will be vibrating at a faster and higher frequency than that of an earthbound spirit. This will  prevent spirit from attaching to you so easily. If the spirit really did manage to enter into your aura filled with light, it will not like that vibration and will leave you. If one's energy field is strong and protected, a spirit will not be able to enter.

When the spirit is attached to your aura, it may attach to the physical body, organ or a chakra via a cord. This will be a easy way for the spirit to receive energy from you. That is why when a person is attached by a spirit, he will feel very drained off. When one's aura consist of one spirit, the other spirits will also be attracted to join in.

When a spirit attachment just occurs from few days to few weeks, it will be easier to remove unlike for many years.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

海濤法師 <为什么要供灯,点灯祈愿文如何念?>


海涛法师开示:这个世界需要灯,需要光明。为什么点灯功德特别大,而且你点的灯是想到所有众生。就像这个点灯祈愿文,这个内容。所以来,我们现在大家一起来发菩提心,让我们来代表众生供佛前灯,好不好?我的意思是说你自己带灯来参与。每次义工菩萨都要给大家准备好,你来点现成的,那功德小一点。你要自己去买一个,大一点的,越贵越好。来,我们大家一起来念。来,点灯祈愿文,来。愿灯具成为等同三千大千世界。愿灯柱仅成须弥山王。愿灯油仅成汪洋。此灯之数亿盏得现于每尊佛前。愿此光明消除三有顶一下,无间地狱以上,所有无明之黑暗。愿十方诸佛菩萨之净土,皆得显明亲见。嗡 班杂 阿罗给 阿吽,嗡 班杂 阿罗给 阿吽,嗡 班杂 阿罗给 阿吽,爱玛霍。愿大家一定要依文做观。当你在念不是嘴巴念,修行不是用嘴巴念,修行是用心念。你要把这个心变成真实的。愿灯具成为等同三千大千世界。愿灯柱仅成须弥。你要变成真实的。而且去相信,而且能够帮助众生。愿灯油如慈悲的大海。照着最高的天,最低的地狱。所以各位要下地狱,用心下地狱。所有地狱的苦你要逐一的去了解。《正法念处经》写的很清楚,所有六道的,所有的因果、快乐、苦。佛陀要比丘都要清楚,你才能够了解,而不会再堕落轮回。而且了解众生苦。所以,观想着地狱、鬼道所有的苦。然后,愿这些轮回的父母、祖先、众生都能够看到十方诸佛菩萨的净土。我们就要发起这个心而来唱点灯祈愿文。这个唱诵,比唱情歌还伟大,会产生不可思议的力量。所以大家用心唱,而且边观想,供养所有的佛,愿父母为首,看到自己的爸爸妈妈为首,一切有情,此生以及各所生,皆能看到西方极乐世界,都能够展现他的佛性。所以大家来唱。来,真心的,来。爱玛霍。稀有光明此灯烛,供献贤劫千佛等。无余广大十方境,释尊空行护法众。坛城圣众尽奉献,父母为首有情众。此生以及各所生,皆能亲见佛净土


Dharma :消灾解厄 第二章 种一份因 得二份果。



如果我们做了善事了,上天会根据我们所做的善事加以评断,然后赐福给我们, 这是我们自己种的善因得来的。
上天的奖赏是: 让我们这辈子好命,美丽,富贵,做事顺顺利利....各重好的事情都会如愿。


如果我们做了恶事了,上天会根据我们所做的恶事加以评断,然后给我们惩罚, 这是我们自己种的恶因得来的。

上天的惩罚是: 让我们这辈子命苦, 贫穷, 多病, 做事阻碍重重....各重不顺的事情都会发生。

所以,上天是根据我们为善为恶, 而给余我们应得的奖赏或惩罚。这些奖赏或惩罚,都是我们自己造成的。





所以,除了上天的奖赏或惩罚以外, 无形界的人也会对我们报恩或报仇。


做善事, 二份奖赏。
老天奖赏                                +     无形界的人来报恩
美丽,富贵,无病无灾。           贵人不绝,逢凶化吉。


种善因,得善果。我们得到的是:上天的奖赏 + 无形界的人报恩。有了这两份奖赏,我们这辈子做什么事都会顺顺利利。

做恶事, 二份惩罚。
老天 惩罚                               +     无形界的人来报仇
贫穷,多病,多灾多难。           处处碰壁,遭遇小人。

种恶因,得恶果。我们得到的是:上天的惩罚 + 无形界的人报仇。有了这两份惩罚,我们这辈子做什么事都会不顺利。

2.1 无形界(冤亲债主)报仇的情形。



冤亲债主B 让您事业不顺,财务出问题。

冤亲债主C 让您婚姻不顺,另一办有外遇。

冤亲债主D 让您没有孩子,久婚不孕。

冤亲债主E 让您子女难教,孩子不听话。

冤亲债主F 让您精神恍惚,得精神病。


- 事业不顺,财务周传不灵,甚至官司缠身。
- 婚姻不顺, 夫妻吵架,甚至一办有外遇。
- 遇人不淑,到了结婚年令还是结不了婚。
- 久婚不孕, 没有孩子。
- 子女难教,不听话,不孝顺。
- 婴儿得病或难带。
- 身边都是小人。
- 染上种种恶习,如沉弱赌博,嗜酒如命。
- 精神恍惚不定,脾气爆躁,口出恶言语。
- 得绝症,像癌症,糖尿病。。。
- 得精神病,如精神官能症,精神分裂症。
- 久病难愈,医生都治不好。



2.2 神佛不可能帮你挡因果。







2.2 做善事和还债是两码事。

做善事 》》将来有福报

欠人家的债 》》这个债一定要还


    - 做善事,积的是将来的福报。
    - 还债,还的是人家的债。


    - 您帮过甲先生,甲先生可能有一天会向您报恩,这是积您自己就将来的福报。

    - 您害过乙先生,乙先生现在向您报仇,您可以因为您以前帮助甲先生,就和乙先生之间

    - 所以,您帮甲先生是一件事,您欠乙先生又是另外一件事。两件事是不同的事。

所一,做善事和还债是两码事,除非您将做善事的功德回向给您的冤亲债主,以抵消您欠他的债, 否则您欠冤亲债主的债,您还是要还,这也是为什么这些善心人,做了那麽多善事,依然受到冤亲债主的报负和折磨的原因。


     - 我们常常发现一些例子:例如老公坏的要死。可是老婆就是割舍不下他,每天以泪洗脸,任别人怎么劝都没用,结果有一天,他突然清醒了,突然不通苦了,这是因为她把欠丈夫的债还清了,所以可以开始过她自己的生活了。欠冤亲债主的债一定要还,只要我们把债还掉了,我们不再欠他了,他才不会再来找我们讨债,我们才能开始顺利。

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dharma :消灾解厄 第一章 种什么因 得什么果。

1.1 命运为什么可以被算出来?


因为我们的命被注定了, 所以命算的出来。

谁是判官, 在判定我们的命?


天界有一个司法专门审判人的善恶, 根据人的善恶来判定他的命。
简单来说: 就是老天在判定我们的命。

1.2 老天如何判定我们的命?

注定的命  - 根据前辈子为善为恶决定 - 做善事 : 注定好命
                                                       - 做坏事 : 注定坏命

                 - 根据这辈子为善为恶决定 - 做善事: 赐福赐寿
                                                        - 做坏事: 减福减寿    

                                                        +- 福寿

                                                           = 这辈子的命

- 根据前辈子为善为恶决定这辈子的命。

因果经:欲知前世因,今生受者是;欲知来世果,今生作者是。也就是说: 你前世种什么因,这一生就会得道什么果;今生种什么因, 来生就会受什么果。

种善因,得善果。上辈子做了许多好事的人, 这辈子就会注定有好报,做什么事都会顺顺利利,一切如愿。

种恶因,得恶果。上辈子做了许多坏事的人, 这辈子就会注定有恶报,做什么事都不会顺顺利利,甚至命运坎坷一 辈子穷苦。

所以说,每个人的命运都是自己造成的,种什么因, 得什么果。

- 根据这辈子为善为恶 +- 福寿

 :太上感应编: 天地 有司过之神,依人所犯清重,以夺人算, 算减侧贫耗, 多逢优患, 人
     皆恶之, 刑祸随之,吉庆避之,恶星灾之,算竟既死。

     。文衡圣帝功果律:一念之善,神司录之,一事之善,神司鉴之。日有鉴察, 月有夸校,
        神司报以三官,三官以岁统计, 报呈玉廷,或增福寿, 或增记算。

     。 三官分别发下,北斗落死,南斗廷算, 东斗上升,西斗记名(功名利录),分下各曹

:虽然我们生下来时,老天已经注定好我们这辈子的命了, 但不代表我们的命就这样被固定



- 这辈子的命 = 原本注定的命 +- 福寿 ( 根据平日的所作所为)

      注定的命: 根据我们上辈子为善或为恶决定。

      +- 福寿 : 根据我们这辈子为善或为恶决定。




1.3 报应顺序: 先前世报, 再今世报

前世因,今世果先接受注定的报应。    = 先

注定的报应完了。再开始今世的报应。= 后


例如: 这个人前世做了许多善事,这辈子注定会有福报,因此他要先受这些福报,等到这些





先前世报 (注定的福报) 》福报完了,开始恶报!》今世报(这辈子做坏事应得的恶报)。


先前世报 (注定的恶报) 》恶报完了,开始福报!》今世报(这辈子做坏事应得的福报)。



1.4 种什么因,得什么果。

修行,做善事的话: 好报

做善事得好报=  富贵 , 长寿, 事业如意, 贵人不绝, 子女孝顺, 婚姻如意, 家庭和睦, 无灾无病。


做坏事得恶报 = 贫穷 ,夭寿, 事业失败, 小人不绝, 子女不孝, 夫妻失和, 家庭吵闹,


- 华严经十地和中记载:造了十恶, 会得到可怕的报应。
















Dharma :消灾解厄











为何遭诽谤, 遇人排斥?

还有更多的为何? 等等。。

第一章  种什么因得什么果。

- 命为什么可以被算的出来。
- 老天如何判定我们的命?
- 报应顺序 : 先前世报, 再今世报。
- 种什么因得什么果。

第二章 种一份因 , 得二份果

- 种一份因 , 得二份果
- 无形界报仇得情形。
- 神佛不可能帮你担因果。
- 做善事和还债是两码事。

第三章  消灾解厄, 改变命运。

- 命驱动方式。
- 解决方式一: 和冤亲债主解冤解结。
- 解决方式二: 修行, 不再造业。
- 解决方式三: 做善事, 积功得。
- 改变命运之道。

第四章 天助自助者

- 我们的所作所为老天都知道。
- 我们做多少, 老天就帮多少。
- 债不可能一下就还完。
- 持续做, 改变注定的命。

第五章 冤亲债主

- 冤亲债主产生的原因。
- 冤亲债主的种类。
- 根本解决之道。
- 念经回向。

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Spiritual : Why do some ghost stay on earth?

Normally, most ghost when they show themselves to you, it will be the original state as they died. This will make it easier for you to know something about them. There are few reasons why some ghost stay earthbound.

1) Those people who died suddenly such as car accidents , train crash etc do not know that they are already dead. They will normally wander around the vicinity of their death location. An example is the Malaysia north south high way where there are a lot of fatal car accidents.

2) When a dead person has a strong attachment to family members, he will stay back to take care of them. This is especially so when the family member say" Do not leave me, I cant live without you" etc or the family members are very sad and are not very independent. They depend on him when he was alive. This is very common.

3) 22 Sep 2011 , a mother dressed herself and her  three year old in red and also painted their fingernails in red commit suicide in Singapore Bedok Reservoir. It is a Chinese belief that when someone commit suicide in red, the vicious spirit will come back to seek revenge on the person who caused them to die. They were found dead with their eyes wide open and almost popping out. Their eyes cannot even close even after they embalmed for the funeral wake. It means that they died with a lot of hatred & anger in their mind according to Chinese belief. Following the death of mother & son, a few case of death follows, 10 Oct 2011, an indian man body was found , 25 Oct 2011,an elderly woman in her 50s was found floating, 5 Nov 2011, a Chinese male body was fished out from the reservoir.

These types of revengeful ghosts are the victims of murder (direct or indirect) and hold on to their anger and hatred that they were experiencing when they died. Their negative energy will cause the surrounding temperature to drop.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Dharma : 入慈悲門(0814)消业障、增福慧十加行



1、 礼佛十万拜

2、 持百字明咒或往生咒十万遍

3、 作佛像十万尊

4、 供水十万杯

5、 供灯十万盏

6、 施食鬼道十万次

7、 作火供十万次

8、 放生十万次

9、 供曼达拉十万(供佛)次


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dharma: Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶




龙王宝瓶的装藏品有珍贵的药材、龙王甘露丹、龙药、供龙香、陀罗尼咒幔等,以无上密法连续加持七天,成为能平息龙族身心疾苦及怨怒的法药,可幫助所有龍族圓滿所願,如治療龍族身體之病痛,克服龍族身體之痛苦、痊癒龍族肢節毀斷之苦, 並且不是享用一次就完了,而是能够持之以恒、相续不断地享用.









Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶

The King of Nagas, who is enormously powerful, is one of the eight main protectors of Buddha dharma. He had taken a great vow before the Buddha to protect the Dharma and its practitioners.

As the human activities has caused disturbance to the nature such as fishing & killing of the beings in the sea, deforestation, reclamation of sea, excavation of ground, water pollution at the sea, river etc..which affect the well beings & peace of the nagas, thereby causing all the natural disasters, skin dieases such as leaprosy, inflamation,swelling etc.

Paying homage to the Naga king will remind one of his or her vow and help one develop a mind of great bliss, so that one will be able to protect one's homeland, eliminate all inauspicousness and disasters, increase one's wealth and prolong one's life. The land will be nourished with sufficient rainfall so that the people will enjoy good harvest, the country will be strong and peaceful, its people will be living in harmony and happiness, even the Dharmadhatu will enjoy similar benefits. For those wishing for a son, a son will be given.All worldly wishes will be fulfilled. As such, the benefits are beyond imagination.

Offering the Naga Vase to The King Of Naga in the sea, sincerely wish them free from sufferings & early attain Buddhahood, will appease them, & cured the injured & sicked.

Benefits of Offering the Naga Vase:

1. One will have good health and good luck; obstacles & sickness will be eliminated.

2. One will always meet good friends and masters.

3. One will increase one’s merits and have a happy family.

4. One will be accomplished in one’s spiritual practice.

5. One will acquire wealth and increase one’s present wealth.

6. One will become famous.

7. One will gain confidence and support from devotees.

8. One will be able to raise pleasant looking and intelligent children.

9. There will be good harvest in all crops.

10. There will be fine weather and sufficient rainfall in the area.

11. There will be Peace & Prosperity in the country

Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶

- Enhance Wealth
- Better Health
- Increase Career Luck
- Children / Fertiltiy Luck
- Offer on 1st Day of Business to boost sale
- Offer on Wedding day to enhance love life
- Romance / Finding Spouse

Wealth Enhancer: Gourd 葫 卢

Gourd looks like the Chinese number 8, is able to attract & accumulate wealth. It is also able to absorb negative energy, illnesses and even mistress. Place it at the wealth sector to attract wealth. For absorbing illness, one can place it beside the bed.

For area like toilet that produce negative energy, we can place a gourd inside the toilet area to absorb the negative energy, Hang the gourd at the window to counter mistress. Add in white rice, sea salt and some incense ash into the gourd.

葫卢可以招财也可以化煞还能防小三。 葫卢有着嘴小肚大的型装,有着吸财气而不外流的做用。把葫卢放在财位可招与聚财。


如有梁压床,桌,沙发,灶,可挂 葫卢来化解。

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wealth Enhancer: 5 Emperor coins 招财五帝铜钱

五帝铜钱指 顺治, 康熙, 雍正, 乾隆, 庆。国家在这五位皇帝的关制下, 国家兴旺,繁荣。跟着这次序, 顺治, 康熙, 雍正, 乾隆, 庆排成一行,用红线绑。

五帝铜钱能招财, 化煞, 防小人的用处。 可挂在财位,放进钱包。 如过办工室坐椅后无靠或背着走廊容以犯小人, 可以将五帝铜钱挂在坐椅后背。

During the Qing Dynasty, these 5 Emperor  , 顺治, 康熙, 雍正, 乾隆, 嘉庆. rule the country in prosperous way. The country flourish. Therefore, it is believe that the 5 Emperor coins will enhance wealth & ward off negative evil things. Use a red string, & tie in in the above sequence in a straight line. One can put inside wallet or hang at the wealth sector to attract more wealth.

For office, if your seat is without wall support or your back is along the walking aisle, you will easily犯小人 . Use this 5 Emperor coins and tie it to the back of your chair to subdue the  小人.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dhamma : The law of Karma 三世因果经

When you perform virtuous deeds, you will receive good blessings.
When you commit evil acts, you will receive bad endings.

Good seeds bear good fruits.
Bad seeds bear bad fruits.

This is the law of Karma Retribution. The law of karma cannot be destroyed. Karmic deeds from a hundred or thousand kalpas, must produce the results. When the conditions are right, the deeds (Causes) done by us and the results (Effects) from the deeds must be encountered by us.

Everyone is affected by the Law of Karma. Inbetween the Cause & Effect is the condition. When the condition is right, the deeds (Cause) done will produce results. (Effects).

因果是不能消灭的。 揭云:( 假使百千劫,所作业不亡:因缘会逢时, 果报还自受 ). 意识是说: 假若过了白千劫那样久的时间,各人所找造罪业是不会消灭的. 要知道,因与果的中间有个 (缘). 只要因与缘成熟时,果报还是自己要受的. 若问前世因,今生受者是。 若问后世果,今生作者是。

Why is one holding the high position of a high ranking government office this generation?
Cause he decorates the statue of the lord Buddha with gold leaf in his previous life.

今生做官为何因? 前世黄金装佛身。

Why is he having the privilege to ride on a horse or travel on a car?
Cause of his contribution made to the public welfare by raising funds too build the bridge and repair the road in his previous life.
骑马架车为何因? 前世修桥捕路人。

Why is he so rich as to wear in silk fabrics or in satin dress?
Cause of his donating robes to the buddhist monks in his previous life.
穿绸锻为何因? 前世施衣敬僧人。

Why does he not worry about food and dress?
Cause he gives alms to the poor in his previous life.
有食有穿为何因? 前世茶饭施穷人。

Why is he so rich as to be able to live in luxurious mansion?
Cause of his donating rice right to the door of nuns' monastery in his previous life.

Why he is sufficient in his luck and prosperity?
Cause of his generous donation made in the construction of the monastery for nuns as well as the pavilion built for the shelter of the public in his previous life.

Why is he dignified in his outer appearance?
Cause of his offering flowers on the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why is he full of wisdom?
Cause of his daily prayers and chanting by the name of Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why are the husband & wife can stay together for life?
Cause of his offering of streamers and silk pennants before the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Whys both of his parents are still alive?
Cause of his paying respect to those who were lonely in his previous life.

Why he has many sons & grandsons?
Cause of his setting of the birds free from the cages in his previous life.

Why does he enjoy longevity?
Cause of his setting the livestocks free after having bought them back from his merchant in his previous life.

Why does she becomes a widow this life?
Cause she scorned her husband in her previous life.

Why does he becomes a slave this present life?
Cause he forgot to return the favour given to him by other people in his previous life.

Why does one has bright eyes to see the world.
Cause of donating of oil money to light up the statue of Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why is he dumb & deaf this present life?
Cause he used to scold his parents in his previous life.

Why is one hunchbacked?
Cause one laugh at Lord Buddha believer.

Why does he become a cow or horse this life?
Cause he did not care to repay the debt he owed people in his previous life.

Why is he free from illness this present life.
Cause of donating medicine for the treatment of the sick in his previous life.

Why is he alone by himself without any relatives or friends?
Cause he used to bring harm to other people with an evil heart in his previous life.

Cause: Explain and preach the correlative relationship between The Cause & the Consequence.
Consequence:  Kindness knows  no bounds.
因 - 讲说因果
果 - 功得无量

Cause: Making donations to decorate the statue of Lord Buddha.
Consequence: To be rewarded with noble title or holding of high ranking government office.
因 - 献钱装佛
果 - 县爵高官

Cause: Making offerings with fresh flowers.
Consequence: Become attractive & beautiful.
因 - 鲜花供佛
果 - 美颜照人

Cause: Alms giving in the form of giving away garments and cloth.
Consequence: To become rich enough to dress in silk fabrics and satin.
因 - 布施衣布
果 - 穿绸穿锻

Cause: Offering rice to the monastery for monks and nuns.
Consequence: Becomes rich to live in luxurious mansions.
因 - 施米俺寺
果 - 高楼大厦

Cause: Help the weak and give alms to the poor.
Consequence: Reward to dress in purple silk robes.
因 - 挤弱磷贫
果 - 紫带锦袍

Cause: Abstain from killing livestocks and set them free.
Consequence: Reward with plenty of offsprings.
因 - 戒杀放生
果 - 儿孙满堂

Cause: Making donations to build bridges and roads to facilitate the public.
Consequence: Reward to travel in private vehicles.
因 - 修桥捕路
果 - 出入气车

Cause: Respect the aged and the wise and virtuous.
Consequence: Integral reward with luck, wisdom and longlivedness.
因 - 敬老尊贤
果 - 福慧寿全

Cause: Point out to other people the solution to any problems.
Consequence: To be loved by everybody.
因 - 指点迷津
果 - 人见人爱

Cause: Perform good deeds extensively to everybody.
Consequence: Wife and daughter in law are beautiful and virtuous.
因 - 广结善缘
果 - 妻媳贤美

Cause: To bear hatred in heart against other people.
Consequence: Cannot bring up his own son.
因 - 怀恨他人
果 - 养子不大

Cause: To violate another's wife and daughter.
Consequence: Go without a wife for the whole life.
因 - 淫人妻女
果 - 一生无妻

Cause: Frequent reading of obscene books.
Consequence: Eyes will be blinded.
因 - 常看淫书
果 - 眼睛矢明

Cause: To cause disputes among other people.
Consequence: Will be bleeding often.
因 - 挑拨离间
果 - 常吐鲜血

Cause: Do not believe when listening to the buddhist doctrine.
Consequence: Will be deaf with both ears.
因 - 闻法不信
果 - 两耳矢听

Cause: Ill treat domestic animals.
Consequence: Ulcer and favus will be infected on the whole body.
因 - 虐待动物
果 - 疮瘢上身

Cause: To be jealous of others.
Consequence:  Bad smelling will grow on body.
因 - 渡忌别人
果 - 身生臭气

Cause: Gossip often.
Consequence: Mouth will be irregular in shape by birth.
因 - 常说是非
果 - 出世缺口

Cause: Beat parents.
Consequence: Will grow a bent hand this present life.
因 - 欧打父母
果 - 今生曲手

Cause: To destruct a road or a bridge.
Consequence: Both the legs will be crooked.
因 - 破坏路桥
果 - 双脚弯曲

Cause: To feel happy when seeing the misfortune of others.
Consequence:  To be in constant sickness.
因 - 辛灾乐祸
果 - 疾病缠身

Cause: To lie to others on purpose.
Consequence:  To become a pig or dog in the next life.
因 - 存心骗人
果 - 做猪做狗

Cause: To refuse to rescue others when they are in danger.
Consequence: Imprisonment will be caused.
因 -  见危不救
果 - 得生牢厄

Cause: Bring harm to others by spreading rumours.
Consequence: To be poisoned to death by others.
因 - 谣言伤人
果 - 被人毒死

Cause: Look down on servants.
Consequence: Ugly in outer appearance and short in height.
因 - 郫视佣人
果 - 丑陋矮小

Cause: To benefit oneself by bringing harmness to others.
Consequence: To hang oneself to death.
因 - 损人利己
果 - 上吊死亡

Cause: To slander monks or nuns.
Consequence: To be hit by thunder or burnt by fire.
因 - 谤出家人
果 - 雷打火烧

Cause: To create hatred with others.
Consequence: To be bitten by a tiger or hurt by a snake.
因 - 多结冤仇
果 - 虎咬蛇伤

Cause: To laugh at and scold beggar.
Consequence: To starve to death at the road side.
因 - 笑骂乞丐
果 - 饿死路旁

Cause: Do not love one's wife or children.
Consequence: To become a widower and being lonely.
因 - 不惜妻儿
果 - 守寡孤独

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dharma: Karma

Karma is the law of cause and effect. In simple term, it means you reap what you sow. If you plant tomato, you will get tomato. If you plant potato, tomato will not grow.

Your action, word & thoughts will affect your karma. It can affect your wealth, health, relationships & family etc. The effect may come now or later.

Everyone has a different karma. Some people are born rich, some are born not well to do, some with good health while some has bad health. What we are now is what we had done in the past. What we do now is what we will be in our future.

Our good action, good word, good thoughts now will sow seeds of future good happenings, good rewards & happiness. Suffering is a cause from our karma due to non virtuous deeds. Non virtuous deeds arising from our attachment, aversions, pride, jealousy, ignorance etc.

To carry out virtuous deeds, we must eliminate attachment, aversions, pride, jealousy, ignorance in order to have good karma.