Monday, August 11, 2014

Dharma: Karma

Karma is the law of cause and effect. In simple term, it means you reap what you sow. If you plant tomato, you will get tomato. If you plant potato, tomato will not grow.

Your action, word & thoughts will affect your karma. It can affect your wealth, health, relationships & family etc. The effect may come now or later.

Everyone has a different karma. Some people are born rich, some are born not well to do, some with good health while some has bad health. What we are now is what we had done in the past. What we do now is what we will be in our future.

Our good action, good word, good thoughts now will sow seeds of future good happenings, good rewards & happiness. Suffering is a cause from our karma due to non virtuous deeds. Non virtuous deeds arising from our attachment, aversions, pride, jealousy, ignorance etc.

To carry out virtuous deeds, we must eliminate attachment, aversions, pride, jealousy, ignorance in order to have good karma.

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