Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dhamma : The law of Karma 三世因果经

When you perform virtuous deeds, you will receive good blessings.
When you commit evil acts, you will receive bad endings.

Good seeds bear good fruits.
Bad seeds bear bad fruits.

This is the law of Karma Retribution. The law of karma cannot be destroyed. Karmic deeds from a hundred or thousand kalpas, must produce the results. When the conditions are right, the deeds (Causes) done by us and the results (Effects) from the deeds must be encountered by us.

Everyone is affected by the Law of Karma. Inbetween the Cause & Effect is the condition. When the condition is right, the deeds (Cause) done will produce results. (Effects).

因果是不能消灭的。 揭云:( 假使百千劫,所作业不亡:因缘会逢时, 果报还自受 ). 意识是说: 假若过了白千劫那样久的时间,各人所找造罪业是不会消灭的. 要知道,因与果的中间有个 (缘). 只要因与缘成熟时,果报还是自己要受的. 若问前世因,今生受者是。 若问后世果,今生作者是。

Why is one holding the high position of a high ranking government office this generation?
Cause he decorates the statue of the lord Buddha with gold leaf in his previous life.

今生做官为何因? 前世黄金装佛身。

Why is he having the privilege to ride on a horse or travel on a car?
Cause of his contribution made to the public welfare by raising funds too build the bridge and repair the road in his previous life.
骑马架车为何因? 前世修桥捕路人。

Why is he so rich as to wear in silk fabrics or in satin dress?
Cause of his donating robes to the buddhist monks in his previous life.
穿绸锻为何因? 前世施衣敬僧人。

Why does he not worry about food and dress?
Cause he gives alms to the poor in his previous life.
有食有穿为何因? 前世茶饭施穷人。

Why is he so rich as to be able to live in luxurious mansion?
Cause of his donating rice right to the door of nuns' monastery in his previous life.

Why he is sufficient in his luck and prosperity?
Cause of his generous donation made in the construction of the monastery for nuns as well as the pavilion built for the shelter of the public in his previous life.

Why is he dignified in his outer appearance?
Cause of his offering flowers on the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why is he full of wisdom?
Cause of his daily prayers and chanting by the name of Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why are the husband & wife can stay together for life?
Cause of his offering of streamers and silk pennants before the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Whys both of his parents are still alive?
Cause of his paying respect to those who were lonely in his previous life.

Why he has many sons & grandsons?
Cause of his setting of the birds free from the cages in his previous life.

Why does he enjoy longevity?
Cause of his setting the livestocks free after having bought them back from his merchant in his previous life.

Why does she becomes a widow this life?
Cause she scorned her husband in her previous life.

Why does he becomes a slave this present life?
Cause he forgot to return the favour given to him by other people in his previous life.

Why does one has bright eyes to see the world.
Cause of donating of oil money to light up the statue of Lord Buddha in his previous life.

Why is he dumb & deaf this present life?
Cause he used to scold his parents in his previous life.

Why is one hunchbacked?
Cause one laugh at Lord Buddha believer.

Why does he become a cow or horse this life?
Cause he did not care to repay the debt he owed people in his previous life.

Why is he free from illness this present life.
Cause of donating medicine for the treatment of the sick in his previous life.

Why is he alone by himself without any relatives or friends?
Cause he used to bring harm to other people with an evil heart in his previous life.

Cause: Explain and preach the correlative relationship between The Cause & the Consequence.
Consequence:  Kindness knows  no bounds.
因 - 讲说因果
果 - 功得无量

Cause: Making donations to decorate the statue of Lord Buddha.
Consequence: To be rewarded with noble title or holding of high ranking government office.
因 - 献钱装佛
果 - 县爵高官

Cause: Making offerings with fresh flowers.
Consequence: Become attractive & beautiful.
因 - 鲜花供佛
果 - 美颜照人

Cause: Alms giving in the form of giving away garments and cloth.
Consequence: To become rich enough to dress in silk fabrics and satin.
因 - 布施衣布
果 - 穿绸穿锻

Cause: Offering rice to the monastery for monks and nuns.
Consequence: Becomes rich to live in luxurious mansions.
因 - 施米俺寺
果 - 高楼大厦

Cause: Help the weak and give alms to the poor.
Consequence: Reward to dress in purple silk robes.
因 - 挤弱磷贫
果 - 紫带锦袍

Cause: Abstain from killing livestocks and set them free.
Consequence: Reward with plenty of offsprings.
因 - 戒杀放生
果 - 儿孙满堂

Cause: Making donations to build bridges and roads to facilitate the public.
Consequence: Reward to travel in private vehicles.
因 - 修桥捕路
果 - 出入气车

Cause: Respect the aged and the wise and virtuous.
Consequence: Integral reward with luck, wisdom and longlivedness.
因 - 敬老尊贤
果 - 福慧寿全

Cause: Point out to other people the solution to any problems.
Consequence: To be loved by everybody.
因 - 指点迷津
果 - 人见人爱

Cause: Perform good deeds extensively to everybody.
Consequence: Wife and daughter in law are beautiful and virtuous.
因 - 广结善缘
果 - 妻媳贤美

Cause: To bear hatred in heart against other people.
Consequence: Cannot bring up his own son.
因 - 怀恨他人
果 - 养子不大

Cause: To violate another's wife and daughter.
Consequence: Go without a wife for the whole life.
因 - 淫人妻女
果 - 一生无妻

Cause: Frequent reading of obscene books.
Consequence: Eyes will be blinded.
因 - 常看淫书
果 - 眼睛矢明

Cause: To cause disputes among other people.
Consequence: Will be bleeding often.
因 - 挑拨离间
果 - 常吐鲜血

Cause: Do not believe when listening to the buddhist doctrine.
Consequence: Will be deaf with both ears.
因 - 闻法不信
果 - 两耳矢听

Cause: Ill treat domestic animals.
Consequence: Ulcer and favus will be infected on the whole body.
因 - 虐待动物
果 - 疮瘢上身

Cause: To be jealous of others.
Consequence:  Bad smelling will grow on body.
因 - 渡忌别人
果 - 身生臭气

Cause: Gossip often.
Consequence: Mouth will be irregular in shape by birth.
因 - 常说是非
果 - 出世缺口

Cause: Beat parents.
Consequence: Will grow a bent hand this present life.
因 - 欧打父母
果 - 今生曲手

Cause: To destruct a road or a bridge.
Consequence: Both the legs will be crooked.
因 - 破坏路桥
果 - 双脚弯曲

Cause: To feel happy when seeing the misfortune of others.
Consequence:  To be in constant sickness.
因 - 辛灾乐祸
果 - 疾病缠身

Cause: To lie to others on purpose.
Consequence:  To become a pig or dog in the next life.
因 - 存心骗人
果 - 做猪做狗

Cause: To refuse to rescue others when they are in danger.
Consequence: Imprisonment will be caused.
因 -  见危不救
果 - 得生牢厄

Cause: Bring harm to others by spreading rumours.
Consequence: To be poisoned to death by others.
因 - 谣言伤人
果 - 被人毒死

Cause: Look down on servants.
Consequence: Ugly in outer appearance and short in height.
因 - 郫视佣人
果 - 丑陋矮小

Cause: To benefit oneself by bringing harmness to others.
Consequence: To hang oneself to death.
因 - 损人利己
果 - 上吊死亡

Cause: To slander monks or nuns.
Consequence: To be hit by thunder or burnt by fire.
因 - 谤出家人
果 - 雷打火烧

Cause: To create hatred with others.
Consequence: To be bitten by a tiger or hurt by a snake.
因 - 多结冤仇
果 - 虎咬蛇伤

Cause: To laugh at and scold beggar.
Consequence: To starve to death at the road side.
因 - 笑骂乞丐
果 - 饿死路旁

Cause: Do not love one's wife or children.
Consequence: To become a widower and being lonely.
因 - 不惜妻儿
果 - 守寡孤独

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