Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dharma: Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶




龙王宝瓶的装藏品有珍贵的药材、龙王甘露丹、龙药、供龙香、陀罗尼咒幔等,以无上密法连续加持七天,成为能平息龙族身心疾苦及怨怒的法药,可幫助所有龍族圓滿所願,如治療龍族身體之病痛,克服龍族身體之痛苦、痊癒龍族肢節毀斷之苦, 並且不是享用一次就完了,而是能够持之以恒、相续不断地享用.









Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶

The King of Nagas, who is enormously powerful, is one of the eight main protectors of Buddha dharma. He had taken a great vow before the Buddha to protect the Dharma and its practitioners.

As the human activities has caused disturbance to the nature such as fishing & killing of the beings in the sea, deforestation, reclamation of sea, excavation of ground, water pollution at the sea, river etc..which affect the well beings & peace of the nagas, thereby causing all the natural disasters, skin dieases such as leaprosy, inflamation,swelling etc.

Paying homage to the Naga king will remind one of his or her vow and help one develop a mind of great bliss, so that one will be able to protect one's homeland, eliminate all inauspicousness and disasters, increase one's wealth and prolong one's life. The land will be nourished with sufficient rainfall so that the people will enjoy good harvest, the country will be strong and peaceful, its people will be living in harmony and happiness, even the Dharmadhatu will enjoy similar benefits. For those wishing for a son, a son will be given.All worldly wishes will be fulfilled. As such, the benefits are beyond imagination.

Offering the Naga Vase to The King Of Naga in the sea, sincerely wish them free from sufferings & early attain Buddhahood, will appease them, & cured the injured & sicked.

Benefits of Offering the Naga Vase:

1. One will have good health and good luck; obstacles & sickness will be eliminated.

2. One will always meet good friends and masters.

3. One will increase one’s merits and have a happy family.

4. One will be accomplished in one’s spiritual practice.

5. One will acquire wealth and increase one’s present wealth.

6. One will become famous.

7. One will gain confidence and support from devotees.

8. One will be able to raise pleasant looking and intelligent children.

9. There will be good harvest in all crops.

10. There will be fine weather and sufficient rainfall in the area.

11. There will be Peace & Prosperity in the country

Naga Vase 龙王宝瓶

- Enhance Wealth
- Better Health
- Increase Career Luck
- Children / Fertiltiy Luck
- Offer on 1st Day of Business to boost sale
- Offer on Wedding day to enhance love life
- Romance / Finding Spouse

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