Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Discover The Meaning of Numbers You See

One of the most common signs or messages the angels send us are number sequences such as 111, 333, and 1234. Numbers are among the primary tools that angels use to communicate with us. You might see these sequences on automobile license plates, telephone numbers, grocery-store receipts, or the change that a clerk hands to you. Most people notice the repetition of certain number sequences and begin to wonder, What does this mean?

The angels gave us keys to understanding the vibrational meanings of each number 0-999, and the cumulative significance of groups of numbers.

For example, if you keep seeing the number sequence 219524, you’d break it into smaller chunks of 1, 2, or 3 digits. In this case, your sequence would be 219 and 524. So, first look up the first three digits (219):

Your thoughts are focused on career and your purpose right now. Optimism brings the rewards you seek, so stay positive.Next, you’d look up the second set of three digits (524):

Angels and archangels are watching over your new projects and helping you transform your ideas and dreams into reality. Then, blend the meanings of both 3-digit sequences together:

 Your thoughts are focused on career and your purpose right now. Optimism brings the rewards you seek, so stay positive. Angels and archangels are watching over your new projects and helping you transform your ideas and dreams into reality.

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