Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dharma Cultivation





Dharma cultivation

Dharma cultivation, is not only done for this lifetime, nor is it for the next hundred or thousand years. It is also not done for oneself. Dharma cultivation is perpetual, starting from this lifetime, this moment, until enlightenment; it is also done for the welfare, joy, happiness of all sentient beings, which is a very lengthy and noble aspiration indeed.

Hence, i feel that a person who has Bodhi wisdom is a person who cultivate the heart (mind) in accordance to Dharma, because the Dharma practitioner will perpetually for aeons, be shouldering the noble task of aiding sentient beings.

- His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje



相反地,如果你心中没生起这些成果,就算暂时看上去, 好像觉得自己具足戒律,观想也很厉害,但这对解脱和证悟究竟佛果,并没有任何的利益。


The fruits of labour from Dharma cultivation

Pride and arrogance reduce, sincerity and respectfulness to others increase, one's meditative stillness of the mind becomes more lucid and noticable; good deeds to be done grow day by day, and the heart of renounciation to this worldly phenomenon grows more resolute daily. These are the fruits of one's labour from practising the Dharma.

On the contrary, if your heart never surface these fruits (results), though you may appear temporary to others or yourself believing that you are armed fully with all the precepts and rules, or master well in the area of visualization practice, there is not much benefit reaped.

- His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

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