Sunday, June 28, 2015

Are you a lightworker?

Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on earth with its material focus creates a form of amnesia in lightworkers. They then forget their divine and perfect identities, and also their abilities to miraculously help the earth and all living creatures. When lightworkers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid.

You are a lightworker if you:
1. Feel called to heal others.
2. Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems.
3. Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation.
4. Have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters.
5. Have endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection.
6. Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world.
7. Feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences.
8. Feel a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you know that you are here for a higher purpose or even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfill it.

Everywhere on the planet right now, lightworkers are awakening to faint memories about why they came to earth. They hear an inner calling that can't be ignored. This call is a reminder that it is now time to stop toying with material dreams, and get to work. Many lightworkers are discovering innate spiritual gifts, such as psychic communication skills and spiritual healing abilities. These are the gifts that we volunteered to use to heal the earth and her population during the crucial decades surrounding the millennium.

Prophecies predicted our coming, and now it is time for us to fulfill our Divine purposes. The world depends upon us!
We who are lightworkers don't necessarily need to add anything to ourselves to prepare for our mission. We already have innate abilities, even if they are presently dormant. Instead, we need to work on releasing fears which keep us from feeling confident in our lightworker abilities. When you remind yourself that your power as a lightworker comes from your higher self and God (not from "you") you automatically feel more assured of your abilities as a spiritual healer.
With our focused intent, thought, and spirit, we can heal anything. There are no limits, except those we place upon our healing abilities.

We definitely can heal the earth with our spiritual approach.
In fact, scientists have recently demonstrated that people can change water and air temperature and also cloud structures, purely through their thoughts. Researchers have known for years that prayer positively affects plants and animals. These studies reveal something that many lightworkers have already known: our collective prayers and healing thoughts can avert prophecies of world trauma.
There is only one spirit and one mind, and we are all part of this collective intelligence and love. Miraculous results in scientific laboratories are demonstrating the factual basis of the oneness of all life. Not long ago, U.S. and Japanese scientists hooked-up test subjects to blood pressure and heart monitor machines. Simultaneously, in separate and sealed rooms, other test subjects were asked to think loving or angry thoughts about the people hooked-up to the machines. At the exact instant when a subject held a loving thought, the monitored person's blood pressure and heart rate significantly dropped. And then, at the precise moment when an angry thought was projected, the person's vital signs skyrocketed upward.

We who are lightworkers are already aware of the power of our thoughts.
What we are continuing to learn, however, is that our thoughts are even more powerful than we suspected! A large part of our lightworker function, then, is to continuously monitor our own thoughts to ensure that they are from a high and loving plane. When we occasionally slip into fearful or judgmental thoughts, we can release these thought forms to the angels who surround us, knowing that these spiritual companions want to help us fulfill our sacred purpose.
If your intuition is urging you toward a healing function, you can be sure that this is a Divine voice and not just wishful thinking. In recent years, a spiritual call has been broadcast—like a psychic "help wanted" ad—asking for lightworkers to awaken to their healing roles. Those who have heard the call sometimes contact me, asking for reassurance that this inner voice isn't setting them up for disappointment or possible failure.

I can certainly understand this fear, since I experienced it myself. When I was a young mother of two and an uneducated housewife, I began having spontaneous visions in which I saw myself as a healer and author. These visions frightened me, because I didn't think that I had the time, money, or intelligence to succeed. So I began overeating to silence the inner voice and visions. I didn't feel ready or qualified to awaken to my mission.
What I was doing was the equivalent of pushing the "snooze button" on my spiritual alarm clock. Overeating was my way of delaying God's plan for me, because food would temporarily drown out the sound and sight of my Divine life plan. I gained nearly 50 pounds before I finally surrendered to the Creator and asked for help in making my inner vision a reality. I discovered that as soon as I committed to following my life purpose, doors opened up for me in succession. In miraculous ways that I could never have planned for, everything in my visions became a reality.

We cannot fail when we accept the mission we chose for ourselves prior to incarnation.
The power and intelligence of the One mind makes no mistakes. We would not have been assigned our lightworker role, were we not perfectly qualified. Since we are made in the image and likeness of One who is all-knowing, all-loving, and able to heal anything, we can relax in the sure knowledge that we were born to heal.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Reiki: 灵气如何改善及帮助我们


· 供应无限量的宇宙能量,无需先拥有长时间的修炼,亦不会运用自身的气 (除非本身意愿)。
· 灵气是一种既安全,具保护力,自然及和谐的宇宙能量,有助灵性修炼及自我提升。
· 增加身体能量
· 改进身体健康,减低患病成数
· 加速身体自我疗效,如创伤、损伤及其它细小和慢性健康问题
· 灵气本身并不是宗教,亦不是信念或心理因素。它除了可用于改善自己以及他人的能量,亦可用于动物以及植物身上。
· 经过灵气导师作 “灌顶”后,灵气频道便会启动而运用灵气的能力便可以跟随一生。

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Reiki; 灵气功效



· 舒缓长期疲乏症状
· 舒解痛楚
· 预防疾病
· 手术前/后调理


· 加速伤患痊愈
· 舒缓治疗癌症期间的身心不适
· 平衡免疫力失调症,提升免疫力
· 提高身体自愈能力
· 舒缓女性经前综合症状
· 改善皮肤素质
· 改善手脚冰冷
· 减轻积存身体的负面能量
· 增强自信心
· 提高意志力
· 改善睡眠质量、减轻神经紧张
· 减轻因心理造成的痛楚、烦躁不安、恐惧感与创造内心的和谐
· 人生观变得乐观、正向积极
· 促进个人成长、提升灵性修为。
· 增强自觉、直觉与内在洞察力。
· 增加心想事成的能力。
· 体现爱、慈悲和万物合一的境界

Monday, June 22, 2015


「灵气」 ( Reiki ) 一词在日本是指宇宙能量,是一种利用宇宙能量供应人类 所欠缺的能量,加速自愈能力的方法。一般情况,所损耗的能量,可以从运动、饮食和大自然等途径获得补充,倘若补充过程长期出现问题,能量耗用过多,便引至身体 、精神和心灵均会产生不适,使人容易患上感冒、脾气转坏和变得抑郁,甚至发展成慢性疾病。

「灵气」能增强和均衡自己身体能量的方法,可以用来保健、减压、美容、开发 灵性、平衡身心及治疗。「灵气」的自然能量,如接收和应用越多得益越大,更可以替自己及家人治疗,达致到更佳的疗效;并不会影响或损耗自己体内的元气。

 其它的自然能量方法,例如气功或瑜珈,需要长期重复练习多套功法,才可以接收和应用 「能量」。如果停下来不练习,能量就会消失。「灵气」的能量是终生的,亦不需要不停练习,只要多应用,能量便越来越大.


 灵气疗法 是透过安定心神和提升身体的生命能量。


Sunday, June 21, 2015



  (一) 双足跏趺(双盘足)。如果不能双盘,便用单盘。或把左足放在右足上面,叫作如意坐。或把右足放在左足上面,叫作金刚坐。开始习坐,单盘也不可能时,也可以把两腿交叉架住。 (单盘:既右腿盘起抵至左腿大腿根部、脚心可朝天被左腿压住;左脚盘在右腿的上边,脚心朝天、抵右大腿的根部;若是双盘,就要再把右脚搬起交叉盘在左腿的上边,抵大腿根;双脚脚心都要向天;)

  (二) 脊梁直竖。使背脊每个骨节,犹如算盘子的叠竖。但身体衰弱或有病的,初步不可太过拘泥直竖,更不可以过分用力。

  (三) 左右两手圜结在丹田(小腹之下)下面,平放在胯骨部分。两手心向上,把右手背平放在左掌心上面,两个大拇指轻轻相拄。这在佛家,便叫做"结手印",这种手势,也叫做三昧印(就是定印的意思)。

  (四) 左右两肩稍微张开(两肩应舒张但不挺胸。),使其平整适度为止,不可以沉肩(郭-耳+单)背。 2、4项做好了,则可以达到“松胸实腹”的效果,便于达到心静气沉。

  (五) 头正,后脑稍微向后收放。前颚内收(不是低头),稍微压住颈部左右两条大动脉管的活动即可。

  (六) 双目微张,似闭还开,好象半开半闭地视若无睹。目光随意确定在座前七、八尺处,或一丈一、二尺许。(如平常多用眼睛工作的人,在静坐之初,先行闭目为佳。)

  (七) 舌头轻微舔抵上腭,犹如还未生长牙齿婴儿酣睡时的状态。(舌头的前半部轻舔上腭(不是以舌尖用力抵上腭)。具体窍门是:把舌后部的空气排尽,咽喉部放松,舌稍后缩即自然成,不必用力去“抵”。嘴唇轻闭,嘴部肌肉自然放松,上下牙不要相咬,稍留一缝隙。)



Saturday, June 20, 2015

Reiki: Reiki healing for Animals

Reiki Healing for Animals

There are several major differences between working on animals and humans, and it is important to understand and remember them, as you set about your work. First, it is of utmost importance to do Reiki on your pets as soon as you sense any changes in behavior habits; i.e., temperament, eating, elimination and general malaise.

*NOTE: the quicker you treat animals, the quicker their return to health and balance. Since animals can't talk, we need to be aware of subtle changes in our pet's behavior. If you come home and your pet seems lethargic and unconcerned with your presence, or licking itself more than ordinary, or doesn’t have energy to eat, play, etc., it could be they are not feeling well.

Animals can easily get hurt when we are away; jumping, playing, chasing toys or feeling energetic and trying to dissipate it by running around the house. If an injury is allowed to swell, excessive fluids can gather in and around the injury, increasing pressure and decreasing the flow of energy to the area of injury. This can result in permanent damage to tissues and lengthen treatment time.
When we become attuned to Reiki, we often want to treat every hurt or sickness, and in our exuberance to be helpful, we may force a hands-on treatment on our animals—making the animal mad enough to strike out at us. It is good to remember to approach any injured or sick animal with caution and love. Move towards an animal slowly, and pet the animal lightly; pay attention to any area which appears to be sensitive to touch.

When applying Reiki animal healing, lay your hands ever-so-gently on the area in question; try to ascertain the possible cause for the animal's discomfort. Do not force the animal to sit still, while you do your work; rather raise your hands just off the surface of the body. Reiki will flow equally even if the hands are up to 4 inches above the skin. Do spend extra time on sensitive areas, but remember to treat the animals entire body—other parts reacting to the initial injury can be energized and brought into balance. Also, continue to treat, until the animal is back to their normal routines, without any symptoms. Animals seem to take longer to respond to energy treatments than do humans. Treat the animals daily, for as long as it takes and treat them with gentleness, spending whatever time is required to help them get back to their playful natures.

If your animal in not acting lively, is shy and won't eat, and won't allow you to treat with hands-on, then try beaming energy to it from a short distance. We sit in a chair and when a sick or injured animal does come close or lies down near the chair, we just hold our closest hand over or toward the animal. When they have enough, they will move away, and often later return to receive additional energy. If your animal will not permit treatment, but is not acting normal, take it to the veterinarian. Ask to be in the room with the doctor or assistant, and learn from them; ask questions, and give support to your pet. They will remember the loving care they received and will associate you with it. When your pet next needs care and attention, they will come to you more readily. Remember, Reiki is a higher frequency vibration and it may take time before animals become accustomed to the energy. But when they do, they will seek it out whenever they become imbalanced.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Reiki: Reiki Healing for Animals

Reiki Animal Healing

Reiki healing can be used as an alternative therapies is to animals for disease treatment and general wellness.
Reiki healing does not involve the administration of any drug, just a gentle physical contact with the animal, so it is unlikely to do your pet any harm. Animals love Reiki and it will work for them.

Reiki is recommended for treating pain, anxiety and behavioural problems. The therapy can be calming and may help an agitated animal become a more acceptable pet.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Reiki : Is Reiki a Religion?

A Reiki practitioner directs and offers universal energy from a subject’s head to toes with specific traditional hand positions. The experience can include relaxing releases of energy. Many people describe this as similar to spiritual meditation. The most common feelings are health, peacefulness, calm, tingling, and coolness.

Just as a person’s spirituality develops over time, so does an understanding in Reiki’s ability to heal. While it’s not necessary to believe in Reiki for it to work, being open to its possibilities is helpful.
One of the most important Reiki benefits is the adjunct capability to guide a person’s life in a manner exactly right for him or her. Reiki’s spiritual nature can help people handle difficult life experiences and change attitudes or beliefs about circumstances.

Each person has a customized life plan. Reiki leads individuals to find this plan—really a person’s true spiritual path—and follow it.
Experienced Reiki practitioners are able to send distance treatments without using any hands. Some see a parallel between this and sending prayers on a person’s behalf.

No, Reiki isn’t a religion. However, its energy arrives from the highest
 spiritual source.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reiki: Benefits of Reiki Healing

How do one benefit from Reiki Healing?

Reiki Healing -
- Promotes peaceful, calmness, reduce stress, anxiety and
- Speeds up healing process and supports your body's ability to
heal itself.
- Strengthen your immune system and help to detox.
- Treat minor ailments as well as chronic illness.
- Opens the door to your heart and heals you.
- Gives you vitality and mental clarity.
- Its easy, effective, efficient and safe.
- You can be healed any time, anywhere irregardless of distance
- Helps in meditation.