Wednesday, February 13, 2019

5 simple ways to clear negative energy

We are all exposed to negative energy every day, in some ways or another. Some of us are more sensitive, so we can feel it more. Some of us, due to several factors, attracts/forms negative energy more easily than others.

We should take care to clear and remove negative energy regularly. If you can, do it on a daily basis, else, at least once every few days. Once you've master the technique of clearing negative energy, you can even clear it as and when you feel it building up, anytime, anywhere. When you first start these clearing exercises, you may feel it's weird and difficult.  But you will definitely feel a lot lighter and happier after that. Once you're used to these clearing exercises, they will become second nature that you cannot imagine life without them, just like your regular exercise routines. Many of the people whom I've taught these found it strange and difficult at first. Don't worry; choose one that you think is the easiest. The most popular entry-level exercise is the spiritual cleanse, since the physical action of cleaning helps beginners in their visualization. All of them marveled at how they feel after the exercise. Try it. It's free, and you have nothing to lose.

5 simple ways to clear negative energy
1.       Do a spiritual cleanse (bath/brushing).
a.       When you shower, visualize the water cleaning you glowing with pure white light. You're bathing in the purest white light, being cleansed of all the negative energies that may have formed (through your thoughts/speech/actions), or attached during the day. Feel the negative energies being washed away, like black ircky, slimy stuffs being washed away down the drain.
b.      When you are brushing your teeth, take the moment and visualize you're brushing away all the negative energies that are being stuck during the day. As you washed away the residues, visualize all the dirty/yucky negative energies being washed down the drain.

2.       Meditation. You can do this every night before you sleep, as a way to cleanse and end your day with peace. It doesn't have to be long. You can start with 1 min, 2 mins, then gradually increase to a timing as you deemed fit. 30 mins to an hour is recommended, though not required.
a.       Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Switch off/silent your phone.
b.      Sit down in a lotus pose, or cross legged, whichever way you feel comfortable
c.       Breathe in and out, slowly. As you breathe in, feel the air going down, and your abdominal expands. As you breathe out, let go of all the air entirely. Repeat.
d.      Once you have settled into the breathing pattern, visualize a white glow of light shining down on you. As you breathe, breathe in the light, and feel the light entering and filling up your body.
e.      You can stop as and when you want.

3.       Do a Yin/Yang Water Bath
a.       This exercise does not require any visualization, though visualization will definitely help. People usually do this when they feel down on luck, or if they feel they have been attached by a wandering spirit.
b.      Prepare a clean basin & towel (preferably new, and used only for this purpose in future), 7 grains of rice, sea salt (just a pinch or 2 will do). Add in cold water, then hot water.
c.       Wipe your entire body from top to toe with the towel soaked (and squeezed dry) with the yin/yang water.
d.      After you're done, flush the water into the toilet bowl, and shower as normal.

4.       Sorcerer Sweep
a.        Do the sorcerer sweep and wave away all the negative thoughts and attachment that may have been formed

5.       Cancel, Clear, Delete
a.       Caught yourself thinking negative thoughts, spoke negative words etc? Clear and cancel off the effect by saying/thinking in your mind "Cancel, Clear Delete". You can add in the sorcerer sweep as you do it.
b.      After you're done with canceling, repeat with a positive thought/word.