Sunday, April 23, 2017

Divine message of the day: Memories

Divine message of the day:

This message guides you to reflect on happy memories as you look back on your life. Remembering the good times can elicit those joyful feelings and help you focus upon the love instead of pain. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, feeling glad for the time that you did spend together is especially helpful.

Your guidance includes honouring these memories through a photo album or scrapbook, through a memorial contribution or celebration, or by writing your memoirs in an autobiographical book or article. If you experience recurring challenging flashbacks, it may be time for you to work with a counsellor who’s specially trained in trauma therapy. This professional can help you shed the shadow of the past in a way that’s healthy and pro- motes growth.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Divine message of the day: Moving

Divine message of the day:

This message indicates that you are moving (or just moved) into a new home. This is a huge change affecting every part of your life. On the one hand, it is a wonderful way to clear the energy and start anew. On the other hand, the upheaval can be very disruptive. This message acknowledges how much your current or impending move affects you.

With this relocation, self-care becomes even more important. Take time to rest instead of rushing to get everything immediately completed. Keep up your normal routines of exercise and healthful eating. You need your strength and energy for this move—and during the adjustment period as well. Self-care also includes exploring your new neighbourhood and making new friends.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.