Friday, December 16, 2016

Divine message of the day: Success

Divine message of the day:
Your hard work has paid off, and you are receiving acknowledgment and rewards!
This message heralds success coming your way, and asks you to keep the faith and continue upon your path of action steps. The result will exceed your expectations, and will also be an important stepping-stone leading you to your ultimate dreams.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Divine message of the day: Detox time

Divine message of the day:
As a creative individual, you may feel overwhelmed with sensitive feelings, so you turn to addictions to numb the intensity. This message comes to you as a reminder that those feelings in the raw are the inspiration for your greatest creations. In addition, an addictive habit may be lowering your mood and vibrations by artificially inducing depression or anxiety.

You already know in your heart which substances or behaviors are detracting from your health and happiness. It could be consumption of wheat, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, meat, dairy, or sugar. Call upon Heaven’s loving assistance to release unhealthful cravings so that you won’t struggle with your detox. You may be Divinely guided to human help to support your decision to approach life with your heart open, your mind clear, and your body detoxified.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Divine message of the day: Ask for what you want

Divine message of the day:
This message comes to you because God, Archangel Gabriel, and all the angels know your heart’s desire, yet also respect your freewill choices. Heaven is waiting for you to be clear about your desires and to ask for them to be fulfilled. You may be reluctant because of fears of making the “wrong” choice.
Yet, being stuck in indecision is, in itself, a decision to have your life stay as it presently is.
Asking for what you want means taking a risk upon yourself and believing in your ability to help others through your creative work. You can add, “This, or something better, God,” as a way of ensuring that you have not asked for too little. After all, God desires that all His children be well cared for.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Divine message of the day: New Project

Divine message of the day:
This message comes to you as validation that you are on the right path with your new project. Heaven can see that you have some fears, which are triggering procrastination and second thoughts within you. Give your fears to God, and move forward one step at a time.

Be in the present moment with your excitement about this project, and do not allow yourself to worry about the future. Archangel Gabriel is also guiding you to avoid compromising or watering down your project to fit your imaginings about what consumers want. Be fully invested in the power of your own vision, and allow your work to be a reflection of your inner truth.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Divine message of the day: Recognition

Divine message of the day:
Congratulations! This message announces that you’ll be getting recognition for your efforts and accomplishments. You may be receiving media attention, compliments, honors, awards, or a promotion.

This message can also be a signal of your own self-recognition, which is the key to high self- esteem. It’s healthy for you to acknowledge how hard you’ve worked and to reward yourself for your efforts.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Divine message of the day: Inspirtartion

 Divine message of the day:

You received this message as an invitation to explore something new . . . and to be inspired! This may involve traveling to a beautiful location or exploring an iconic museum’s collection. Allow your passions to be your tour guide, and think of the exploration as an investment that will yield future benefits.
Traveling for your art is a way to open up to new perspectives, gain new cultural experiences, and discover new mediums for creative inspiration.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Divine message of the day: Treasure Chest

Divine message of the day:

An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now. This message might seem a bit self-explanatory, but it is important to understand that abundance is not always financial.  This message is telling you that you are about to receive some kind of abundance.

Maybe some good luck is headed your way; positive energy can influence every facet of life creating an enormous windfall of good things happening all around you.  It can even create a domino effect, thus spreading good luck to those in your environment as well.Maybe the love of your life will finally find his or her way to your door.  Maybe you’ll get that promotion.  Maybe you’ll be surrounded by new and wonderful friends.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Divine message of the day: Physical Outlet

Divine message of the day:
This current situation is causing you to hold on to something that the angels would like you to release. The angels are asking you to engage in a physical activity as a source of self-counselling and a means of clearing the way to receive new messages, ideas, solutions, and healing energy. This can be anything from taking a walk or going running to swimming, doing yoga, or playing a sport.

Whatever you feel guided to do, know that the physical motion will accelerate the processing and release of emotions. Indigos need variety, so shaking up your routine can help you find natural physical outlets. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a distance away from your school or office so that you need to walk farther, or shoot a few hoops when you’re stressed. You will feel the positive difference .

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Divine message of the day: Allow love

Divine message of the day:

Sometimes it’s difficult for Indigos to see that those around them, especially those in an authority role, actually do love them. When rules are imposed upon them, when they face disciplinary action, and when the ones close to them get upset, they often feel rejected. It is your role as an Indigo to question rules and to ask “Why?” when situations seem unfair—this will never change. This message invites you to see that although some things feel unjust, people are only lovingly looking out for your best interests.
In order for you to live and succeed in society, certain rules must always be followed. When the people in your life correct your behaviour, sometimes it’s because they love you and want the best for you. If you sit and meditate, you’ll know whether this is true for your present situation. Your role in this world will be shown to you clearly. Your job now is to make sure you do what is asked in order to be a productive member of society—the same society you are meant to re-create!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.