Monday, October 31, 2016

Divine message of the day: Send love

Love is the most powerful vibrational energy in the universe. This message asks you to remember that all energy is based in love. When something seems unfair or when you feel lost in a situation, it’s important not to dwell upon the negative, because that will attract more negativity to you.

As an Indigo, you’re a very powerful manifester, and the angels need you to replace feelings of anger, sadness, or frustration with love. See the situations and people in your life surrounded by the pure, tender embrace of Heaven, and you’ll experience newfound happiness.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Divine message of the day: You are special

Divine message of the day
You may be wondering why it is that Indigos are extremely passionate about their opinions. Why do they have such a hard time holding in their feelings? Well, they were built to never back down in the face of adversity and imbalance.

Indigos have incarnated at a crucial time in Earth’s and humanity’s history, to help ensure the survival of both. You are one of these people. This is a very special role in our world, and this card asks you to be aware of that.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Divine message of the day: Nature

Divine message of the day:

Spending time alone in nature is important for you. Even five minutes in a garden would be healing for you right now.

 With this message, the angels ask you to bond with nature more often, every day if possible. This card also signifies that you may be happier living in a more nature setting. If you have thought about moving away from city life, consider this message as additional validation.

Also, this message may be encouraging you to choose an occupation involving plants or animals. For instance, you may enjoy gardening, nursery or veterinary work, pet-sitting, or delving into the world of animal communication.
Your angels, and the nature angels, are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Divine message of the day: Make a wish

Divine message of the day:

What do you most desire? What does your soul long for?
This message asks you to get in touch with your deepest wishes and send them to Heaven, instead of deciding that they’re not possible. The angels call upon you to use your law of attraction to create good in your life rather than hiding it under a pile of doubt.

This is an exciting message because it means you’re close to what you desire. You just need to exert a bit of energetic effort to help create it in your life. When you receive a message like this, it’s normal for uncertainty or fear to arise.

Just take a deep breath and allow your exhalation to release this lower energy from you. Have a silent conversation with your angels, in which you share with them exactly what you desire in life. One oftwo things will always happen:
(1) you’ll get your wish
(2) you’ll be shown a better, more suitable answer .

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Divine message of the day: Celebration

Divine message of the day:

Good news! Cause for celebration is here, and it is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
The angels want you to know that this is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is the time for you to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude.

The angels ask you to hold strong in this gratitude. You are like a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them because she has faith that her labours will yield new growth. Keep watering and tending to your seeds, and you will soon see them sprouting through
the surface. The angels are your co-gardeners, who help you tend to your crop.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Divine message of the day: Serenity

Divine message of the day:

You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquillity. Peace of mind means feeling secure, and knowing that you’re always provided for. Even if your logical mind cannot fathom how a challenge could be resolved, peace of mind means that you trust that God will create a miraculous solution. This sort of faith is always warranted because faith is a key component in experiencing such miracles.

 With this message, the angels reassure you that peace of mind is within you. You can feel serene, even in the midst of great turmoil. It’s a mistake to think that you have to wait until your life is problem free before you can be happy and peaceful. The opposite is actually true. First, you work toward serenity, and then your life challenges lessen and disappear. Serenity is your natural state of mind, and the angels are now working with you to actualize this.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Divine message of the day: Spiritual Growth

Divine message of the day:

You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process! During this time, you may feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear, and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a fulltime

Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.

Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust that you are supported, loved, and guided each moment. Don’t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you.
After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly, too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Divine message of the day: Divine Timing

Divine message of the day:

Take note of the doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.

Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.

Don’t try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it’s simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Divine message of the day: Children

Divine message of the day:

You are asked to pay extra attention to your children or your inner child right now.
New children may be coming into your life very soon.

This message indicate that the angels see your need to play, have fun, and honor your inner child. Perhaps you will play with your own children or grandchildren. Or, you might enjoy having fun with another adult or doing work that involves helping children.

Take some time to ask your inner child, “How do you feel?” and “What would you like to do?” Plan an afternoon where you take your inner child on an outing, doing things that allow your playful side to emerge. Swing and slide at the park. Take an afternoon nap. Draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Or build a sandcastle.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Divine message of the day: Romance

Divine message of the day:

The angels are addressing, and assisting you with, your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the angels’ help with your love life.

This message signifies that your angels have heard your appeals for romance. They acknowledge your heart’s yearnings for love. They have received and answered your requests.
Now you will work in concert with the angels to manifest the romance you are seeking. The angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish.

For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. The angels’ guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars.
Follow this guidance, and you will discover the romance you are seeking.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Divine message of the day: Blessing

Divine message of the day:
The Divine are helping you right now.
Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes (and it always does).
The angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the angels surround you now with more Divine love than ever.
Additional angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of love and light. Sometimes you may feel as if God and the angels have abandoned you. This message reminds you that they are not gone and that they cannot leave you ever. It is only our fear that makes us blind and mute to the presence of our angels. Yet your angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very, very loved by God and the angels.
Shared the reading with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Divine message of the day: Truth

Divine message of the day:
Be guided to be very honest with yourself, and to be true to yourself in all of your activities and actions.
The angels say to you, “Let go of anything inauthentic, and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions for yourself.” If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.
When we open our hands and release unhealthful situations, the Divine light can enter. Miracles always follow when we surrender troubling conditions. You’ll find that the job, relationship, health issue, or other circumstance heals rapidly in ways that you could never have imagined.
All along the way, the angels will perfectly guide you to actions that
will either help you replace the situation with something better, or heal it entirely. Expect a miracle when you decide to “be true to you.”
Share the reading with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Divine messgae of the day: Ideas

Divine message of the day:
Take note of new ideas & thoughts that come into your mind. They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God. The divine speaks to you through your thoughts, and the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received. These thoughts are answers to your prayers for guidance, so please don’t treat them as a mere imagination.

The angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable of receiving wonderful ideas as any other child of God. That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God. Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you. So, God’s mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Divine message of the day: Intention

Divine message of the day:

What you experiences come from your intention. Make sure your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions. The angels want you to take inventory of your expecations. What do you expcect to happen today, tomorrow or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intention.An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.

Your intentions drive your experiences. The angels ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others.

The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Divine message of the day: Healthy body

Divine message of the day:
Take care of your body, eat healthy food, exercise regularly and avoid toxins. This is a way angel is asking you to take care of your physical body. Maybe you resist this guidance and the angels have come to remind you. When you have a healthy body, your vibration will be higher and less dense.
Having a healthy body will enable you to perform better in your job. Do take care of your body.
Do share the message with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

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