Friday, December 16, 2016

Divine message of the day: Success

Divine message of the day:
Your hard work has paid off, and you are receiving acknowledgment and rewards!
This message heralds success coming your way, and asks you to keep the faith and continue upon your path of action steps. The result will exceed your expectations, and will also be an important stepping-stone leading you to your ultimate dreams.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Divine message of the day: Detox time

Divine message of the day:
As a creative individual, you may feel overwhelmed with sensitive feelings, so you turn to addictions to numb the intensity. This message comes to you as a reminder that those feelings in the raw are the inspiration for your greatest creations. In addition, an addictive habit may be lowering your mood and vibrations by artificially inducing depression or anxiety.

You already know in your heart which substances or behaviors are detracting from your health and happiness. It could be consumption of wheat, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, meat, dairy, or sugar. Call upon Heaven’s loving assistance to release unhealthful cravings so that you won’t struggle with your detox. You may be Divinely guided to human help to support your decision to approach life with your heart open, your mind clear, and your body detoxified.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Divine message of the day: Ask for what you want

Divine message of the day:
This message comes to you because God, Archangel Gabriel, and all the angels know your heart’s desire, yet also respect your freewill choices. Heaven is waiting for you to be clear about your desires and to ask for them to be fulfilled. You may be reluctant because of fears of making the “wrong” choice.
Yet, being stuck in indecision is, in itself, a decision to have your life stay as it presently is.
Asking for what you want means taking a risk upon yourself and believing in your ability to help others through your creative work. You can add, “This, or something better, God,” as a way of ensuring that you have not asked for too little. After all, God desires that all His children be well cared for.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Divine message of the day: New Project

Divine message of the day:
This message comes to you as validation that you are on the right path with your new project. Heaven can see that you have some fears, which are triggering procrastination and second thoughts within you. Give your fears to God, and move forward one step at a time.

Be in the present moment with your excitement about this project, and do not allow yourself to worry about the future. Archangel Gabriel is also guiding you to avoid compromising or watering down your project to fit your imaginings about what consumers want. Be fully invested in the power of your own vision, and allow your work to be a reflection of your inner truth.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Divine message of the day: Recognition

Divine message of the day:
Congratulations! This message announces that you’ll be getting recognition for your efforts and accomplishments. You may be receiving media attention, compliments, honors, awards, or a promotion.

This message can also be a signal of your own self-recognition, which is the key to high self- esteem. It’s healthy for you to acknowledge how hard you’ve worked and to reward yourself for your efforts.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Divine message of the day: Inspirtartion

 Divine message of the day:

You received this message as an invitation to explore something new . . . and to be inspired! This may involve traveling to a beautiful location or exploring an iconic museum’s collection. Allow your passions to be your tour guide, and think of the exploration as an investment that will yield future benefits.
Traveling for your art is a way to open up to new perspectives, gain new cultural experiences, and discover new mediums for creative inspiration.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Divine message of the day: Treasure Chest

Divine message of the day:

An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now. This message might seem a bit self-explanatory, but it is important to understand that abundance is not always financial.  This message is telling you that you are about to receive some kind of abundance.

Maybe some good luck is headed your way; positive energy can influence every facet of life creating an enormous windfall of good things happening all around you.  It can even create a domino effect, thus spreading good luck to those in your environment as well.Maybe the love of your life will finally find his or her way to your door.  Maybe you’ll get that promotion.  Maybe you’ll be surrounded by new and wonderful friends.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Divine message of the day: Physical Outlet

Divine message of the day:
This current situation is causing you to hold on to something that the angels would like you to release. The angels are asking you to engage in a physical activity as a source of self-counselling and a means of clearing the way to receive new messages, ideas, solutions, and healing energy. This can be anything from taking a walk or going running to swimming, doing yoga, or playing a sport.

Whatever you feel guided to do, know that the physical motion will accelerate the processing and release of emotions. Indigos need variety, so shaking up your routine can help you find natural physical outlets. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a distance away from your school or office so that you need to walk farther, or shoot a few hoops when you’re stressed. You will feel the positive difference .

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Divine message of the day: Allow love

Divine message of the day:

Sometimes it’s difficult for Indigos to see that those around them, especially those in an authority role, actually do love them. When rules are imposed upon them, when they face disciplinary action, and when the ones close to them get upset, they often feel rejected. It is your role as an Indigo to question rules and to ask “Why?” when situations seem unfair—this will never change. This message invites you to see that although some things feel unjust, people are only lovingly looking out for your best interests.
In order for you to live and succeed in society, certain rules must always be followed. When the people in your life correct your behaviour, sometimes it’s because they love you and want the best for you. If you sit and meditate, you’ll know whether this is true for your present situation. Your role in this world will be shown to you clearly. Your job now is to make sure you do what is asked in order to be a productive member of society—the same society you are meant to re-create!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Divine message of the day: Learn Something new

Divine message of the day:

There is new information waiting for you. This message asks you to initiate or finish studies on a topic (or topics) that interests you. When this message  comes up, it is often a calling to start or complete something that you already know you should be doing.
Let this be your confirmation that the time for this endeavor is now. This message can also guide you to meditate and have a conversation with the universe. Any question can be asked and will be answered if you’ll listen with an open mind and heart.

Trust the feedback you receive! Write it down, and consider teaching this information to others. As an Indigo, you can easily recognize true Divine guidance as it comes to you. Even if you feel that what you’re learning won’t serve you in the future, please trust that the angels are guiding you for a specific reason that you may not necessarily need to know at this point in your life.
Have fun and try something new!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Divine message of the day: Self Reflection

Divine message of the day:

This message asks you to review your life. The angels guide you to see yourself as the Indigo spiritual warrior you truly are. It’s so easy to look back on your actions and feel guilt for things you’ve done to upset others. But that time has passed, and you don’t need to bring that energy with you going forward.

See yourself as a Divine soul who’s doing the absolute best you can, given the circumstances of your existence. As an Indigo, you’re designed to fight against that which no longer serves humanity, and this requires nothing more than being yourself. Admit what’s most important to you, and ask the angels to guide you to these goals and wishes.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Divine message of the day: The Sun

Divine message of the day:
You are feeling abundantly happy and joyful - if you don't, be assured that you are about to enter a period of success and fulfillment.

This is a time of pleasure, vitality and good health, travel and holidays to be enjoyed. Good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Divine message of the day: You are not alone

Divine message of the day:

As you grow older, you’ll realize that no one on this planet truly knows what he or she is doing—we all just get by as best we can. This message reminds you that you’ve got plenty of help and companionship available to you.

Never before have so many people come into a lifetime with the shared Divine purpose of rewriting the script for daily human life. Your Indigo mission is so very important, and there are literally millions of other Indigos in this world having very similar experiences. Ask the angels to help guide you to like-minded people who can relate to you. It will soon become apparent to you that you are an integral part of one of the most significant movements in human history.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Divine message of the day: Share your wisdom

Divine message of the day:

Within you is ancient and powerful wisdom about the true rules of right and wrong. As an Indigo, you came to this planet to make big changes, and you’re not alone in this mission.

As you learn more about the changes that should be made to society, this message guides you to share this awareness with like-minded others. The more Indigos who know their true purpose (because people like you awaken them to it), the more effective this collective mission will be.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Divine message of the day: Manifest

Divine message of the day:

As an Indigo, you have innate manifestation abilities that this message guides you to use to improve the situation you’re inquiring about. The act of manifestation is more than just dreaming about what you desire in life—it’s deciding that your dreams have already come to fruition on the spirit level and trusting that with Divine timing they will appear in material form.

This message asks you to be aware of how much your energy (your thoughts and feelings) affects the reality around you and to realize the importance of believing in yourself. When you’re using your natural manifestation power, you feel complete trust and know that every new day is preparing you for the next chapter in your life.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Divine message of the day: Authority

Divine message of the day:

The way our world is currently designed, people in authority impose rules upon us. In many situations, it must be this way to maintain order. As an Indigo, you possess an inner truth detector telling you that people in power often abuse such authority. This is one of the most important message you can receive because your role in this world is to help redesign our planet and society to become a place of fairness.

When dealing with authority figures, please know that anger will not get you anywhere, but calm assertiveness definitely will. Anytime you feel controlled or “ruled” by someone, ask the angels to guide you through the situation in a way that will bring about and perpetuate the most peace. In this way, you clear the path for others who will benefit from your peaceful leadership.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Divine message of the day: Explore

Divine message of the day:

This message asks you to experiment with your approach to the situation you’re inquiring about. Your powerful Indigo energy will work for you instead of against you, if you shift your mood and energy.

This message also asks you to be open-minded when thinking about your place in this world. If you feel guided to go in a certain direction in life, then give it a try. And remember that there’s nothing wrong with changing your mind or the course of your life. Opinions change as knowledge broadens.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Divine message of the day: Mother Mary

Divine message of the day:
Known as the “Queen of the Angels,” Mother Mary is the embodiment of unconditional love and compassion. This message calls for you to look at the people in your life, as well as yourself, with this same love. Mother Mary can help you embrace your gifts and talents and honor yourself in every moment.

Sometimes called the Divine Nurturer, she reminds you to be proud of how far you’ve come in this lifetime and encourages you to keep moving forward. Mother Mary protects, guides, and supports all children, including Indigo children. She also helps you to help other children. Call upon Mother Mary to open your heart and make you aware of what a blessing you are to this planet

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Divine message of the day: Pray

Divine message of the day:
Sometimes people don’t realize how powerful their thoughts and words are. This message reminds you to pray and think positively, because negative thoughts and words can actually block you from living your purpose and dreams. This is especially true if deep down you believe you don’t deserve what you want or that achieving it is unrealistic.

When you pray, you shift your focus and energy away from what’s not working and align yourself with God and the angels. This connects you with your higher self, which knows that nothing is impossible. Prayer is an opportunity to lift your vibration higher to the place of wholeness and healing.

The next time you’re worried, take a few moments to say a prayer and trust that you are exactly where you’re meant to be. You’ll then feel the power of the angels surrounding and uplifting you to guide and direct your path.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Divine message of the day: Apologize

Divine message of the day:

This message asks you to take the high road in this situation and apologize to either the people involved (if applicable) or yourself for the things that have been bothering you. Your honesty and fiery Indigo nature may inadvertently lead you to say things that might hurt others’ feelings.

Saying that you’re sorry is one of the best ways to let the pressure off yourself and defuse tension. Even if you perceive that you’ve done nothing wrong, the angels ask you to apologize in general for any disappointment or frustration that arose. Be sure to have an honest discussion with yourself or the other person about the underlying feelings that led to the conflict.

The angels certainly don’t want you to cover up your true emotions! Know that while saying you’re sorry may not be easy or even seem fair, in this situation it’s being asked of you because it serves a higher purpose. This is a lesson for you to put aside your pride and do something for the greater good.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Divine message of the day: Show Apreciation

Divine message of the day:

It’s common for Indigos to get caught up in their own lives, and forget to show others around them just how much they mean to them. Although you may not realize it, your friends and loved ones are only human. They have feelings and emotions, just the same as you do. You are being urged to offer and express gratitude to the special people in your life.

This message also asks you to shift your focus away from what you lack in life, and instead appreciate all that you do have and all that you’ve accomplished. When you can get in touch with this higher part of yourself, many more of your dreams will come true.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Divine message of the day: Compassion

Divine message of the day:

The answer to your question involves treating those around you in the same way you wish to be treated. This message reminds you that how you act affects everything and everyone in your life. This is a time to show the higher part of yourself.

As an Indigo, you can easily detach and see the big picture in each situation. To move forward, you must exude higher energy, because what you give out is what you receive. So check in with yourself and take inventory to ensure that you are treating others with fairness and compassion.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

For Sale: Tarot Cloth and Tarot Pouch

Tarot cloth and tarot pouch.
Tarot Cloth Material: Velvet
Size: abt 68cm X 68cm
Tarot pouch (Draw string) Material: Velvet
Size: 20cm X 12cm
Cost: SGD $28

 Ideal size for tarot reading or angel reading
Tarot cards and rose quartz crystal ball for display purpose.

Like us @ facebook page @ Ministry of Spiritual

Divine message of the day: Archangel Michael

Divine message of the day:
You received this message because Archangel Michael wishes to work with you and your Divine mission. Like all of the archangels, Michael can be with you and everyone simultaneously, as he’s unlimited and non-denominational. He helps anyone who asks, especially if you have a life purpose to help the earth (which you and all Indigos do!).

As the giver of strength, Archangel Michael reminds you of your role on Earth. He helps you release fear and have a healthy level of self-confidence. Call upon him anytime you are afraid, and know that you are immediately protected by the grace of Heaven.

Ask Archangel Michael to guide your decisions based on your purpose, instead of fear, and rest assured that he will lead you to your highest potential. Whenever you feel alone, afraid, or vulnerable, allow the power of this magnificent angel to bring a comforting sense of protection to you.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Divine message of the day: Stay

Divine message of the day:

This message guides you not to run away from a troubling situation. Whatever it is that’s going on or challenging you right now is something you need to experience and learn from in this lifetime. There’s an aspect of this situation, however unpleasant, that’s not yet complete. So the angels ask you not to make any extreme moves right now.

While this may seem like the exact opposite of what you hoped you’d hear, please know that the Indigo tools and lessons you’ll acquire by persevering will serve as priceless assets to you later in life. Someday you’ll see this situation as clearly as the angels do now—and you will know that when the time to make a change comes, the signs will be undeniable.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Divine message of the day: Patience

Divine message of the day:

This message signals that what you desire isn’t yet ready to emerge in your life. This doesn’t mean it won’t come to you. It just means “Not at this current time.” While you may feel ready to receive the fulfillment of your wishes, it’s not the right moment.

Patience is one of the most important lessons an Indigo can learn, because as the world is now, things happen much more slowly than they need to. This message doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. It merely reminds you that as an Indigo, you’re an advanced being who sees the entirety of situations much faster than the average human.

Be patient with the circumstances and people in your life. Know that you’re not the only one who feels as if you’re running a race against turtles. The better you get at waiting, the more happiness you’ll have.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Divine message of the day: Friendship

Divine message of the day:

The answer to your question involves your friendships. This message is showing you how much the energy of other people is affecting you. Or it could be guiding you to open yourself up and allow others in.

Friendship is a regular exchange of energy and emotion, and as an Indigo you connect more deeply than most, but can also be more closed off. Take some time to consider how the energy of friendship (or lack thereof) is influencing your thoughts and your opinion about yourself. It’s important that you maintain an awareness of how each person in your life makes you feel inside.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Divine message of the day: Think about it

Divine message of the day:
This message asks you to step back from your current path or thought process and review the situation you’re asking about. There’s an unseen aspect, and the angels guide you to slow down so you can move forward with the whole picture in sight.
This message can also be cautionary, if you were about to make a radical change impulsively.
While it may still be the best path, this message asks you to look into the alternatives first.
As an Indigo, you’re exquisitely sensitive to energy, and your mission is to heal and transform negative energy into positive.

However, there’s always a better way to do so. This message wants you to research your options for making the healthful changes that are part of your Indigo mission.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Divine message of the day: Look through the situation

Divine message of the day:

As an Indigo, you may get caught up in the emotions in a situation and feel stressed or frightened. This message reminds you that life will continue long after you’ve gotten through this challenge and forgotten all about it!

The angels ask you to concentrate on the good things in your life and see beyond whatever is going on around you. One of the best ways to find resolution is by releasing the situation and allowing yourself to feel relief. Take time to relax, and imagine what it will feel like when this trying time is over. Trust that the angels hear your prayers loud and clear, and will help you with resolving every aspect of this situation.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Divine message of the day: Divine Timing

Divine message of the day:

This message means that the resolution of the situation you’re inquiring about is delayed by much more than mere circumstance. Divine timing means that nothing can happen before the dynamics of your life are completely ready for it. Many factors are involved in Divine timing, including other people’s free will choices.

 If your wish is fulfilled at the wrong time, the conditions won’t be right and the manifestation won’t be lasting or permanent. Trust in the Divine order of things, and know that you’re on the right path toward the fulfillment of your wishes and your Indigo mission.

Keep your faith strong, and be open to intuitive guidance that calls you to action. One step at a time, all of your prayers are heard and answered, exactly when they’re supposed to be.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Divine message of the day: Archangel Metatron

Divine message of the day:
Archangel Metatron, the first angel on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah, helps those who are newly upon the spiritual path. He oversees Indigos and ensures that their spiritual gifts stay open and active. Like all the archangels, Metatron is unlimited and is able to be with everyone who calls upon him.

This message asks you to work with Archangel Metatron in your daily life to welcome messages and
signs confirming to you that you are perfect no matter what. This powerful messenger of Heaven can help bring you peace in situations you feel are very unfair or imbalanced.

Every time you call upon Metatron, this archangel will immediately go to work, bringing you a calm understanding of the situation and your life. He will also help you let go of resentment and unforgiveness so you can move on and not allow lower energy to affect your life.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Divine message of the day: Self Reflection

Divine message of the day:
This message asks you to review your life. The angels guide you to see yourself as the Indigo spiritual warrior you truly are. It’s so easy to look back on your actions and feel guilt for things you’ve done to upset others. But that time has passed, and you don’t need to bring that energy with you going forward.

See yourself as a Divine soul who’s doing the absolute best you can, given the circumstances of your existence. As an Indigo, you’re designed to fight against that which no longer serves humanity, and this requires nothing more than being yourself. Admit what’s most important to you, and ask the angels to guide you to these goals and wishes.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Divine message of the day: Time to create

Divine message of the day:
This message calls for you to get in touch with your creativity and express yourself through art, inventing, or performing. As an Indigo, you have a lot of pent-up energy that needs an outlet. It’s time to create something from nothing, knowing that you’re a Divine channel of inspiration.

The angels ask you to bring something unique to this planet that can only come from you. Ask them to work through you, and together you will make a masterpiece that will bring blessings to the world.
Embracing your creativity helps you realize that your ability to manifest in this lifetime is only limited by your imagination.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Divine message of the day: Physical

Divine message of the day:

This current situation is causing you to hold on to something that the angels would like you to release. The angels are asking you to engage in a physical activity as a source of self-counseling and a means of clearing the way to receive new messages, ideas, solutions, and healing energy. This can be anything from taking a walk or going running to swimming, doing yoga, or playing a sport.

Whatever you feel guided to do, know that the physical motion will accelerate the processing and release of emotions. Indigos need variety, so shaking up your routine can help you find natural physical outlets. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a distance away from your school or office so that you need to walk farther, or shoot a few hoops when you’re stressed. You will feel the positive difference

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Divine message of the day: Shielding

Divine message of the day:
Within you is ancient and powerful wisdom about the true rules of right and wrong. As an Indigo, you came to this planet to make big changes, and you’re not alone in this mission.

As you learn more about the changes that should be made to society, this card guides you to share this awareness with like-minded others. The more Indigos who know their true purpose (because people like you awaken them to it), the more effective this collective mission will be.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Divine message of the day: Learn Something new

Divine message of the day:
There is new information waiting for you. This message asks you to initiate or finish studies on a topic (or topics) that interests you. When this message comes up, it is often a calling to start or complete something that you already know you should be doing.

Let this be your confirmation that the time for this endeavor is now. This message can also guide you to meditate and have a conversation with the universe. Any question can be asked and will be answered if you’ll listen with an open mind and heart. Trust the feedback you receive!

 Pen it down, and consider teaching this information to others. As an Indigo, you can easily recognize true Divine guidance as it comes to you. Even if you feel that what you’re learning won’t serve you in the future, please trust that the angels are guiding you for a specific reason that you may not necessarily need to know at this point in your life.
Have fun and try something new!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Divine message of the day: Make a wish

Divine message of the day:

What do you most desire? What does your soul long for?
This message asks you to get in touch with your deepest wishes and send them to Heaven, instead of deciding that they’re not possible. The angels call upon you to use your law of attraction to create good in your life rather than hiding it under a pile of doubt.
This is an exciting message because it means you’re close to what you desire. You just need to exert a bit of energetic effort to help create it in your life. When you receive a message like this, it’s normal for uncertainty or fear to arise.
Just take a deep breath and allow your exhalation to release this lower energy from you. Have a silent conversation with your angels, in which you share with them exactly what you desire in life. One oftwo things will always happen:
(1) you’ll get your wish
(2) you’ll be shown a better, more suitable answer .

Share the reading with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Divine message of the day: Expression

Divine message of the day:

This message guides you to speak your mind. After all, that’s one of the reasons Indigos such as you came to Earth. For so long, people have not spoken up for themselves. As a result, humanity has lived under the tyrannical control of those with power. Now is the time for change, and you are one of the spiritual warriors in charge of initiating that shift.

Always speak your mind, but also be aware of how others react to your declarations. Ask the angels to guide you to communicate in ways that allow you to be heard. If you can express yourself in a manner that people can relate to, your concerns and opinions will be much better received.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Divine message of the day: Freedom

Divine message of the day:
This message answers your question by guiding you to seek greater freedom. Perhaps this comes from releasing something that no longer serves you.
This also serves as a confirmation that your prayers for freedom have been heard and the angels are working to bring change into your life.

As an Indigo, you can sense when someone is being controlled or manipulated. You have an innate ability to see unnecessary restrictions and rules. But sometimes, you may unknowingly impose your own restrictions and rules upon yourself. When you received this message, it signals that you should release control over your desires. Freely dream big for yourself and this planet, and allow the angels to guide you with their eternal and infinite wisdom.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Divine message of the day: Ask for a sign

Divine message of the day:
Do you feel stuck or confused or lost of direction? If you do, then you need a sign to point you in the best direction. Signs are some of the most interactive and consistent messages the angels can bring.
When you regularly ask for them, you’re shown constant reminders that you’re on the right path, and receive clear guidance to help keep you there.

As an Indigo, you may feel disconnected from other people and wonder why you can’t relate to them.
Ask the angels to show you a plain and recognizable sign that your wish/purpose/dream/hope/desire is relevant and possible, and to let you know the next step for you to take. You will be very pleased with the outcome as Heaven will validate and guide you clearly.
All you have to do is ask!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.


Monday, October 31, 2016

Divine message of the day: Send love

Love is the most powerful vibrational energy in the universe. This message asks you to remember that all energy is based in love. When something seems unfair or when you feel lost in a situation, it’s important not to dwell upon the negative, because that will attract more negativity to you.

As an Indigo, you’re a very powerful manifester, and the angels need you to replace feelings of anger, sadness, or frustration with love. See the situations and people in your life surrounded by the pure, tender embrace of Heaven, and you’ll experience newfound happiness.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Divine message of the day: You are special

Divine message of the day
You may be wondering why it is that Indigos are extremely passionate about their opinions. Why do they have such a hard time holding in their feelings? Well, they were built to never back down in the face of adversity and imbalance.

Indigos have incarnated at a crucial time in Earth’s and humanity’s history, to help ensure the survival of both. You are one of these people. This is a very special role in our world, and this card asks you to be aware of that.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Divine message of the day: Nature

Divine message of the day:

Spending time alone in nature is important for you. Even five minutes in a garden would be healing for you right now.

 With this message, the angels ask you to bond with nature more often, every day if possible. This card also signifies that you may be happier living in a more nature setting. If you have thought about moving away from city life, consider this message as additional validation.

Also, this message may be encouraging you to choose an occupation involving plants or animals. For instance, you may enjoy gardening, nursery or veterinary work, pet-sitting, or delving into the world of animal communication.
Your angels, and the nature angels, are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Divine message of the day: Make a wish

Divine message of the day:

What do you most desire? What does your soul long for?
This message asks you to get in touch with your deepest wishes and send them to Heaven, instead of deciding that they’re not possible. The angels call upon you to use your law of attraction to create good in your life rather than hiding it under a pile of doubt.

This is an exciting message because it means you’re close to what you desire. You just need to exert a bit of energetic effort to help create it in your life. When you receive a message like this, it’s normal for uncertainty or fear to arise.

Just take a deep breath and allow your exhalation to release this lower energy from you. Have a silent conversation with your angels, in which you share with them exactly what you desire in life. One oftwo things will always happen:
(1) you’ll get your wish
(2) you’ll be shown a better, more suitable answer .

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Divine message of the day: Celebration

Divine message of the day:

Good news! Cause for celebration is here, and it is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
The angels want you to know that this is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is the time for you to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude.

The angels ask you to hold strong in this gratitude. You are like a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them because she has faith that her labours will yield new growth. Keep watering and tending to your seeds, and you will soon see them sprouting through
the surface. The angels are your co-gardeners, who help you tend to your crop.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Divine message of the day: Serenity

Divine message of the day:

You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquillity. Peace of mind means feeling secure, and knowing that you’re always provided for. Even if your logical mind cannot fathom how a challenge could be resolved, peace of mind means that you trust that God will create a miraculous solution. This sort of faith is always warranted because faith is a key component in experiencing such miracles.

 With this message, the angels reassure you that peace of mind is within you. You can feel serene, even in the midst of great turmoil. It’s a mistake to think that you have to wait until your life is problem free before you can be happy and peaceful. The opposite is actually true. First, you work toward serenity, and then your life challenges lessen and disappear. Serenity is your natural state of mind, and the angels are now working with you to actualize this.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Divine message of the day: Spiritual Growth

Divine message of the day:

You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process! During this time, you may feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear, and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a fulltime

Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.

Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust that you are supported, loved, and guided each moment. Don’t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you.
After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly, too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Divine message of the day: Divine Timing

Divine message of the day:

Take note of the doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.

Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.

Don’t try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it’s simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Divine message of the day: Children

Divine message of the day:

You are asked to pay extra attention to your children or your inner child right now.
New children may be coming into your life very soon.

This message indicate that the angels see your need to play, have fun, and honor your inner child. Perhaps you will play with your own children or grandchildren. Or, you might enjoy having fun with another adult or doing work that involves helping children.

Take some time to ask your inner child, “How do you feel?” and “What would you like to do?” Plan an afternoon where you take your inner child on an outing, doing things that allow your playful side to emerge. Swing and slide at the park. Take an afternoon nap. Draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Or build a sandcastle.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Divine message of the day: Romance

Divine message of the day:

The angels are addressing, and assisting you with, your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the angels’ help with your love life.

This message signifies that your angels have heard your appeals for romance. They acknowledge your heart’s yearnings for love. They have received and answered your requests.
Now you will work in concert with the angels to manifest the romance you are seeking. The angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish.

For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. The angels’ guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars.
Follow this guidance, and you will discover the romance you are seeking.

Shared the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Divine message of the day: Blessing

Divine message of the day:
The Divine are helping you right now.
Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes (and it always does).
The angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the angels surround you now with more Divine love than ever.
Additional angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of love and light. Sometimes you may feel as if God and the angels have abandoned you. This message reminds you that they are not gone and that they cannot leave you ever. It is only our fear that makes us blind and mute to the presence of our angels. Yet your angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very, very loved by God and the angels.
Shared the reading with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Divine message of the day: Truth

Divine message of the day:
Be guided to be very honest with yourself, and to be true to yourself in all of your activities and actions.
The angels say to you, “Let go of anything inauthentic, and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions for yourself.” If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.
When we open our hands and release unhealthful situations, the Divine light can enter. Miracles always follow when we surrender troubling conditions. You’ll find that the job, relationship, health issue, or other circumstance heals rapidly in ways that you could never have imagined.
All along the way, the angels will perfectly guide you to actions that
will either help you replace the situation with something better, or heal it entirely. Expect a miracle when you decide to “be true to you.”
Share the reading with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Divine messgae of the day: Ideas

Divine message of the day:
Take note of new ideas & thoughts that come into your mind. They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God. The divine speaks to you through your thoughts, and the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received. These thoughts are answers to your prayers for guidance, so please don’t treat them as a mere imagination.

The angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable of receiving wonderful ideas as any other child of God. That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God. Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you. So, God’s mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind!

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Divine message of the day: Intention

Divine message of the day:

What you experiences come from your intention. Make sure your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions. The angels want you to take inventory of your expecations. What do you expcect to happen today, tomorrow or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intention.An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.

Your intentions drive your experiences. The angels ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others.

The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

Share the reading with your loved ones.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Divine message of the day: Healthy body

Divine message of the day:
Take care of your body, eat healthy food, exercise regularly and avoid toxins. This is a way angel is asking you to take care of your physical body. Maybe you resist this guidance and the angels have come to remind you. When you have a healthy body, your vibration will be higher and less dense.
Having a healthy body will enable you to perform better in your job. Do take care of your body.
Do share the message with your loved ones.
Blessed Be.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Reiki Healing - How does Reiki benefit me?

How does Reiki benefit me?
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Dharma : Analects of Master Kuang Chin : Chapter 13 - On the Pure Land

Chapter 13 – On the Pure Land

1. Where, exactly, is the Pure Land? It is immanent within your mind. As long as you are free of worries and vexations, your mind is the land of equanimity hence the Pure Land.


2. When reciting the name of the Buddha, pronounce each word distinctly with full
concentration. Further, vow to be reborn in the Pure Land so as to escape this bitter prison of samsara.


3. "When the mind is pure, the buddha-land is also pure". Practice recitation dilligently to the extent that the mind is pure, clear, and unfettered by vexations or illusive thoughts.When you attain such a state, this world is the Pure Land and your mind the kingdom of Amitabha Buddha.


4. Within the limitless void, a world resembles a grain of sand. If there are as many worlds as there are grains of sand in the Ganges, and if all beings of these worlds are willing to recite the Buddha's name, they can all be reborn in the Pure Land.



5. An important prerequisite to be reborn in the Pure Land is to relinquish all worldlyconcerns. One can only be reborn in the Pure Land without the encumbrances and entanglements of this world.


6. If our minds are composed and stable, we are naturally free of vexations. We can live every day with a pure mind and good spirit, crave for nothing but live according to circumstances, and our hearts will be filled with joy and bliss. Such is the state of the Pure Land. So why quest elsewhere when the Pure Land is immanent within our minds? On the other hand, if your mind is unsettling and disgruntling, you will become vexed easily and you will feel restless wherever you are.


7. Practice recitation to the extent that your mind becomes absolutely pure and clear, and you will be reborn through the lotus into the Pure Land. Those who are born through the physical bodies of their parents will remain in the cycle of birth and death.


8. Do not pray for the divine manifestation of Buddhas and/or Bodhisattvas at your deathbed. Such revelations are most likely to be illusions. What you should do is to recite the name of the Buddha with a pure mind and free of appeals. Then, whatever is manifested in your mind will be genuine revelation.


9. There are limits to the merits we can enjoy in this world. But the blessings we attain through practice will invigorate our Buddha-nature, unfold our wisdom, and help us retrieve our true nature. It is by no means easy to become monastic practioners, as we have to endure immeasurable hardships. But such endurance will help us remove the massive karmic obstructions we have accumulated through the eons. Only by so doing will we be able to eradicate all our negative karma, be reborn in the Pure Land, and ultimately attain Buddhahood.


10. (At dusk, we recite the following stanza:) "The day is drawing to an end and our lives are cutting short accordingly. Just like the fishes in a drying pond, how much joy can there be?" Indeed, we do not realize that our lives are drawing closer to an end each day, just like the fishes in a drying pond that are still swimming happily, not realizing their imminent extinction. We just live one day after another, do not know where we are going after we die. Therefore, we should constantly remind ourselves not to lessen our vigilance. Practice diligently so that we can be reborn in the Pure Land.


11. A diligent practitioner is just like an old farmer who tills in the field all day and can joyfully rest at home after the sun goes down. The Pure Land is his ultimate home and resting-place.


12. We monastic practitioners should not be afraid of death because there is the Pure Land to look foward to. We should also attain the level in our practice at which we can easily untie our minds from all worldly concerns and can resolve all difficulties with a simple change of perception.


13. A snap pf thought takes 90 ksana (of time), and there are 900 births and deaths within a ksana. Hence, within the time of a snap of thought, there are 81,000 births and deaths. At the critical moment of our last breath, even only one snap of thought (other than the wish to be reborn in the Pure Land) arises to distract us, we will be unable to escape the cycle of birth and death. Thus, the last snap of thought before we die is of utmost importance! What kind of thought will flash through our minds depends on the state of our minds at that instant. If our minds are completely pure and we are making no distinction among the forms of self, others, sentient beings, and life, we will be reborn in the Pure Land.

14. Where is the Pure Land? You have to begin your search through purifying your own mind. If your mind is unfettered by worldly distractions and delusion, and is absolutely pure and clear, then your mind itself is the Pure Land. So there is no need to keep questing "where is the Pure Land?" If you continue to have such an illusive idea of pursuit, you are still defiled by greed, anger, and ignorance. Do not cling to the idea that there is indeed a Pure Land somewhere out there. In fact, the Pure Land is immanent in your mind and can only be brought out through diligent practice. As an old stanza makes it clear: "Do not search afar for the Buddha because the Buddha is right there at the Spirit Vulture Peak, and the Peak within your mind. Everyone has a pagoda under the Spirit Vulture Peak within his/her mind, under which he/she can practice to attain Buddhahood." It will be a total mistake to search for the Buddha outside our minds. If we practice by training our minds, we can eventually reach the Pure Land.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dharma : Analects of Master Kuang Chin : Chapter 12 - On the Foul Body

Chapter 12 – On the Foul Body

1. We are not born with material wealth, nor can we, or mega-millionairs for that matter,bring our assets along when we die. The only thing that will follow us through all lives is our own karma. So why waste valuable time pursuing material wealth? We should grasp the little time we have in human existence and start practicing as early as possible.


2. Relinquish all attachments to this foul body! The most important goal for practice is to liberate our minds, not to tend to the desires of our physical body and let it control our lives. Also, remember not to cling to the idea of attainment during practice. Whatever can be attained will vanish eventually, hence is not genuinely unmovable, as is our intrinsic nature.


3. Our body, just like a house, will eventually decay; however hard we try to mend it, it can never be free of problems. Let go of excessive concern about this body, do not be too fastidious about it; after all, it is only a phantasm. What we should do is to make the best use of this "illusive" body for "real" practice.


4. This foul body is just a temporary residence for us. Unfortunately, we all become strongly attached to it, and our greediness that arises due to our incessant pursuits to satisfy its cravings has in turn created immeasurable negative karma for us.


5. Diseases are inevitable with this illusory body of ours, but they are not as perilous as the ailments of delusion, greed, anger, and ignorance. The latter will keep us in the cycle of rebirths if we do not find a cure. The most effective prescription is reciting "Amitabha Buddha," and retaining right mindfulness at our deathbed is crucial. At that critical moment, if we can recite "Amitabha Buddha" distinctly and steadily, by the mercy of the Buddha we will be able to transcend the six divisions of rebirth. Otherwise, with our consciousness inverted, where will we end up after we die?


6. Very few people can enjoy blessed rewards throughout their lives. The extent of rewards you can enjoy is proportional to the degree of hardships you endure.


7. Master Hsu Yun used to live a very simple life. He wore clothes with multi-layered
patches and could not even count on food for the next meal. But such hardships did not deter him from diligent practice. He has only one goal in mind: to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death.


8. If we wreck anything because of our carelessness, we are at fault and have to take the consequences.


9. Be careful on what you do for nothing is beyond the law of karma; even things as trivial as throwing away edible food or letting it spoil will have their consequences. Nobody can take the consequences for what you do, and there is no escape from the law of karma. "What you eat feed yourself only. Similarly, the matter of your own birth and death can only be taken care of by yourself."


10. Handle with care those papers printed or written with words. It would be better to burn them (than throw them into the garbage dump). This is also a virtue.

11. Practice relinquishing the attachments of your sense organs to the six gunas (sense objects). Otherwise, the thing you crave for will appear at your deathbed to distract you. If it prevails and your mind is inverted, you will remain in the cycle of rebirths. Practice relinquishing all your discriminations between self and others and your judgements of right or wrong. Then, when you are breathing your last, this practice will help you transcend your karmic obstructions and the cycle of birth and death.


12. Do not mistake this physical form of ours as the real "self." It is nothing but a temporary and illusive outer case bearing our karma. The real "self" is our "tathata," or buddha-nature immanent within our minds, which can neither be born nor be destroyed (i.e. permanent, transcending birth and death). Therefore, we should, through diligent practice, retrieve this intrinsic nature and confront everything with our buddha-mind.


13. Monastic practitioners should concentrate on practice; nothing else should distract their attention. Lay people who do not realize the need for practice are living in inverted dreams, their fettered mind bugged by incessant vexations. They dream not only in their sleep but also while they are awake. Time passes as they watch their lives slip by, like watching a movie. To them, life is nothing but a longer dream.


14. It is not easy or just by coincidence that we acquire this human existence. Seize this opportunity and practice diligently so as to eradicate our sense of greed and free ourselves from the agony of birth, aging, disease, and death, hence the cycle of rebirths. With this human existence, we can either practice to attain buddhahood or bodhisattvahood, or generate negative karma that would lead to rebirth in the three evil divisions (beasts, hungry ghosts, and hell). Whether we will ascend or descend within the ten dharma realms depends on our conduct in this human rebirth. Therefore, human existence is a crucial turning point that should not be taken lightly, nor be wasted in vain.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Dharma : Analects of Master Kuang Chin : Chapter 11 - On a simple life

Chapter 11 - On a Simple Life

1. Nowadays, everybody, either living at home or in the monastery, enjoys a very comfortable life. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily a blessing as it can easily lead to a degenerated and disorganized lifestyle and bring about calamity. If you further indulge yourself in the pursuit of sensual passions hence spoil this body of yours, you are also more likely to suffer from all sorts of disease.


2. In order to practice, you have to relinquish your attachments to physical gratification and live a simple life. If you enjoy and are contented with plain food and clothing, you will be happy all the time. On the other hand, if you pay too much attention to the qualities of food, clothing, and housing, etc., then you will be no different from a lay person. Only be relinquishing all your attachments to physical satisfaction can you expect to eliminate your greed, anger and ignorance. As you know, a lavish lifestyle will inevitably induce more desire and arouse greediness in you. In due course, the five skandhas (form, sensation, perception, volition and consciousness) will have a firm grip of both your body and your mind. And as you immerse yourself in these impurities, you can never be free. Thus, "relinquishing attachments to the body" should begin by simplifying your clothing, food, and living conditions.


3. Practice should begin with consuming only "plain food and clothing." Unfortunately, people nowadays (practitioners included) tend to pay a great deal of attention to what they eat or wear and often preoccupy themselves all day long for such pursuits. As a result, practitioners not only cannot reduce their negative karma, but their merits and wisdom accumulated in previous lives will be drained. Then their karmic obstructions will naturally come forth.


4. What is the essence of "simple food and clothing?" It certainly doesn't mean that you should give up food or clothes. Rather, just feed yourself without craving the taste and keep yourself warm without pursuing a lavish style. Also, you should get enough sleep so as to be energetic, but do not oversleep lest you feel slumberous. If you insist on the extremes of no food or sleep thereby spoiling your health and feeling even less at ease in the monastery, it will also spoil your efforts of leaving home for practice.


5. People are often driven blindly by their sensual desires. For example, some people are willing to kill just to satisfy their palate, not knowing they might be eating the flesh of their relatives from previous lives. Besides, according to the law of karma, you have to repay in full everything you do. Though you have acquired human existence in this life, you are still confined to the vicious cycle of demanding and repaying the debts from previous lives. If you do not practice diligently in search for a way out, you will be forever imprisoned in this cycle of rebirths.


6. Do not crave for more than you actually need. All you require is enough to sustain your life. If you eat more just because there is plenty available, it only reflects the greediness of your mind. However, don't deliberately eat less and starve yourself, for this is also a form of attachment. How much you should eat depends on how much you need.Have enough food, but make no distinction of taste.


7. Eat only to sustain your life. If you indulge yourself in the pursuit of satisfying your palate, you are enslaved by your mouth. It not only will increase the burden of your digestive system, but also will increase your sense of illusion, dispersion, and attachment. Life should be simple: eat so that you won't starve and wear so that you can cover yourself and keep warm; that's sufficient.


8. If you are used to living lavishly and being waited on, you can easily become arrogant. Also, the smarter you are, the stronger your sense of "self" will be. Without using Buddhadharma as an antidote to reflect on yourself thereby learn to repent and be humble, it will be very difficult for you to break out of the confinement of the form of "self".


9. Food, clothing, and housing are necessary to sustain our lives, but avoid consuming more than the basics. If you pursue a lavish lifestyle instead of restraining your sensual passions, you not only will be unable to reduce your negative karma, but will add more to it thus generate bitter fruits for yourself.


10. While eating, ponder gratefully, "Where does the food come from and how does it get here?" Introspect: "Have I practiced diligently to deserve this food?" Without a sense of appreciation, even a casual comment such as "the food tastes awful" will cost you some merit.


11. If, instead of enduring hardships and relinquishing your desires, you insist on eating well and living comfortably, why bother leaving home for practice? What differences are there between you and any layman? We monastic practitioners should not pay too much attention on satisfying our sensual desires. As long as the food is edible and sufficient, do not insist on good flavor. Only through such practice can we expect to relinquish our desires and unfold our wisdom.


12. Working in the kitchen of the monastery is following the path of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. In fact, many great bodhisattvas such as Avalokitesvara and Manjusri have practiced asceticism through working in the kitchen. The kitchen is a place where you can easily either amass or waste away your merits. Do not casually throw away edible food or leftovers lest you should bear the consequences, such as to be reborn as a chicken, duck, pig, or dog and all you can eat are leftovers or spoiled food.


13. Recite silently before each meal: "I vow to annihilate all the vice, to practice all the virtue, and to deliver all sentient beings." To annihilate all the "vice" means eradicating all sinister thoughts at their incipience. For example, picking the better part from a dish reflects clearly a sense of "discrimination" and "covetousness." Thoughts of this nature are sinister and should be eliminated.


14. Once we leave home for practice, the world is our home. We should be able to practice anywhere we are, so why look for any particular place? What matters is our resolve, not a specific type of monastery that caters to our wish. With resolve, we can feel at home and make progress in our practice even only residing in a bamboo shelter in the woods. Our minds will be stable as long as we have the resolve to overcome any and all obstacles. With determination and an unwavering mind, we can practice wherever we are.


15. Before plunging into any type of ascetic practice such as never lying down to sleep, one has to start with relinquishing the pursuit of physical gratification. After you are free of sensual passions as well as of the defilement of greed, anger, and ignorance, your illusive ideas will naturally diminish. At that stage, you can venture into the more advanced steps in Zen practice.


16. This world is nothing but our temporary residence. Everything in this world is like a phantasm or a magical delusion, as unreal as things in our dream or in a drama. Do not mistake the seeming for the being thereby long for anything in this world. Relinquish all attachments, practice reciting the name of the Buddha, and vow to be reborn in the Pure Land. Only Amitabha Buddha is our ultimate refuge and the Pure Land our true homeland.