Saturday, November 20, 2021

Meaning of 卡阴 (Ka Yin)




















另外,就感情與家庭層面而言,一般卡陰的人,受了外陰的干擾,常常不能掌握自己的情緒與行為,感情與家庭關係當然容易生變,但是,若是男性卡到女陰,或是女性卡到男陰,雖然陰陽殊途,但相處久了,陰對陽還是可能會產生感情,這時候「陰」便會破壞「陽」人與異性的交往,令他(她)交友不順、感情不順、婚姻不順等等。在 黃 老師的問事實務裡,遇到太多太多的男女,雖然本身基本條件不差,但就是無法順利交到異性朋友,或是有了異性朋友也常常莫明其妙分手,甚至因此蹉跎了自己的婚姻。當他(她)們來找 黃 老師,而被 黃 老師指出他(她)們卡了異性的陰魂時,這些陰魂都會坦白表示:「有阻礙、干擾了當事人的交友與婚姻。」當事人弄清事實後,常常因此啼笑皆非,沒想到自己交了一個異性的鬼朋友,更沒想到鬼朋友也會「爭風吃醋」。




第一、 病人的外表並沒有病懨懨的病容,看不出來已是腫瘤在身的樣子。
第二、 病灶容易被「遮掩」,所以初期常會檢查不出來而被疏忽,而且,不同的醫院檢查出來的結果,常會並不完全一致。

台中有位資深醫師,常有醫療糾紛,他有一次來找黃老師時說:「依據我的專業判斷,明明那個病人沒有問題,但我一做直腸鏡,就把他的腸子戳破了。」結果老師發現,出意外狀況的病人,都是卡了陰。後來這位醫生學乖了,祇要覺得不太對勁的病人,他要動刀之前,一定先來問問 黃 老師:「這個病人有沒有卡陰?」



許多人在卡陰未到最後階段時,告訴他們最後可能會致癌或腫瘤,他們未必相信,但已致癌的人,看出是因為長期卡陰的結果,他們又懊腦知道太遲!凡人總是如此,未發生而先預告時,他們未必信服接受,等到病灶形成,到了不可收拾的地步時,才又懊悔不已。這種案例看到太多,對這些質疑、固執、又不見棺材不掉淚的人, 黃 老師也是祇能無奈。










老師說:「沒錯!你的過往大哥現在來說,妳的意外車禍是他故意造成的,他說,你們從不管他,不拜他,他跟著妳很久了,因為家裡大小事情,都是妳在作主、決定,所以他找妳幫忙,要妳幫他超渡、安頓。妳到現在未婚,也是他的干擾。四年前妳曾遇到一位好對象,後來不了了之,他說那也是他破壞的。」四年前她確曾遇到一個不錯的對象,但不知道為什麼,就沒了下文,所以到現在仍是單身。後來她在 黃老師的溝通協助下,幫她的大哥做了超渡,也圓滿的解決了車禍官司的問題。

Thursday, November 18, 2021

 Divine Message of the Day: Three of Earth

The situation you are inquiring about can succeed, with hard work and good planning. You may receive recognition or an award for your great talents and skills. Focus upon work that involves your passion and carry it out to the best of your abilities. Your creativity is highly rewarded. It is important to be a team player and cooperate with others on this project. You will move up in your career.

Share this reading with your love ones.

Blessed be.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Himalayan salt has had a place at our table for some time now. When used in the kitchen pink Himalayan salt has a ton of benefits, from lowering your blood pressure to helping with digestion. But what can Himalayan salts do in the rest of our homes?
This mineral is hand-mined from the Himalayan mountains and is available everywhere, in several different forms. The edible form has less sodium than regular table salt, but the edible form of this salt isn’t what we’re here to talk about.

Himalayan Salt Lamp Effects

Turn The Lights On

There are natural phenomena that make us feel refreshed or revitalized. You know, simple things like sitting next to a huge waterfall, or being in front of rushing waves at the waterfront. If we were able to soar through the air like birds that would probably do it too.
What about these natural locations and events gives us good goosebumps? Negative ions.
Negative ions are produced in nature and there’s even a way to mimic them in the walls of your home. Himalayan salt lamps chemically and physically transform a room – not just in color and glow, but in its health benefits and effects.

Stay Positive

We are constantly surrounded by positive and negative ions – charged molecules that float through the air without our noticing. Positive ionshave been dubbed ‘electronic smog’ which sounds cool but is actually dangerous for our mental health and wellbeing. These ions have been given a charge by our big screen TVs, smartphones, telephones, microwaves, computers, and any other electronic wave in the air.
The World Health Organization calls electronic smog “one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences” and states that health concerns should be taken seriously. Further studies show that our brains are bombarded by 20 times more frequencies than it should be. These frequencies attribute to mental health issues, insomnia, nerve disorders, allergies, and potentially more – more study is needed.
So positive ions aren’t actually a positive thing. They are produced by just about everything in our 21st Century-style of living and they need to be neutralized. Fortunately, there is a simple way to give any room in your house a neutralized (or even negative) ion effect.

The Positivity of Negative Ions

Negative ions are created when a molecule gains a negatively charged electron. 
Negative ions attract natural pollutants like dust, mold, and other allergens and irritants. The ions attach to these pollutants and give them a negative charge, neutralizing them so they lose their damaging properties.
Negative ions are mostly produced in natural settings: in the forest, at the beach, and (most abundantly) near waterfalls. Supposedly these ions stimulate oxygen flow to the brain, giving us increased mental alertness and energy. But we can’t all bring huge waterfalls into our houses.
So where can we get something that will produce negative ions? We shop for positive ions all the time: new TV, wireless router, microwave popcorn – but how do we bring a positive ion-neutralizing power into our homes?

Himalayan Salt Lamps, Of Course

Himalayan salt lamp – also known as “Vitamins of the Air” – is a block of pure Himalayan salt that came from ancient oceans. With a small bulb on the inside, these lights produce more than just light – they produce a negative-ion atmosphere and the health benefits that come with it.

The bulb inside the lamp heats the crystal, emitting negative ions. Salt is hygroscopic and attracts water from its surroundings – in more humid environments the lamp will even appear damp or wet. The heat of the lamp evaporates the water quickly, creating negative ions. The negative ions go on a mission.

Search and Destroy

Once negative ions are created they want to bind with positive ions. You know 
what they say: misery loves company. Well, these negative ions love to bring positive ions down and in turn, bring our general health up. The negative ions created by a Himalayan salt lamp will attach to excessive positive ions like bacteria, mold, and allergens. In doing so, the lamp neutralizes the electronic smog in your home.
With an ionized room, you will feel better, recharged, and revitalized. In theory, there will be fewer micro-waves coursing through your home and being, allowing your mind and body to be at ease. In addition, the warm glow of the lamp has a soothing effect and will help you relax.

What Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Do

– Ionize the room
– Balance and neutralize artificial frequencies and unnatural electromagnetic waves from electronics.
– Produce rainbow-spectrum light waves to heal and soothe your body.

Health Benefits

The Himalayan salt lamps’ health benefits have been reported to start working soon after plugging the light in and turning it on. Turn on your Himalayan salt lamp to help with:
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Respiratory problems (including colds)
  • Mental and stress-related disorders (including insomnia)
  • Blood system disorders
By clearing the air of toxins, the lamps can also help specifically with allergies and skin conditions.
If you want to improve the air quality in your house, feel more relaxed, induce meditation, improve the aforementioned health conditions and maintain your good health you need to get a Himalayan salt lamp and put it in your most lived-in room.
The lamps have limited range and won’t work if you put it under your couch in the farthest dark corner of your basement. Plus, why would you put it there? You’ve got to show it off – which isn’t hard. Himalayan salt lamps have an interesting look and fit lots of different styles. It can stand out or fit in, depending on your preference. So put your lamp somewhere you and your family spend a lot of time and in a room with lots of electronic devices filling the air with positive ions.
These lamps are like plants: the more the better. Have one in every room, or have one in your most-visited room and your bedroom. Feel the effects once you enter your house by putting one of the lamps in your foyer, vestibule, or entrance.

Before The Light Goes Out

One last note: when buying your Himalayan salt lamp make sure to get one made from real Himalayan salt. There are a lot of fakes on the market, so check the origin – the real lamps are made from pure, food grade Himalayan salt. Substitutes from rock salt will not provide you with the same benefits if any.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

5 simple ways to clear negative energy

We are all exposed to negative energy every day, in some ways or another. Some of us are more sensitive, so we can feel it more. Some of us, due to several factors, attracts/forms negative energy more easily than others.

We should take care to clear and remove negative energy regularly. If you can, do it on a daily basis, else, at least once every few days. Once you've master the technique of clearing negative energy, you can even clear it as and when you feel it building up, anytime, anywhere. When you first start these clearing exercises, you may feel it's weird and difficult.  But you will definitely feel a lot lighter and happier after that. Once you're used to these clearing exercises, they will become second nature that you cannot imagine life without them, just like your regular exercise routines. Many of the people whom I've taught these found it strange and difficult at first. Don't worry; choose one that you think is the easiest. The most popular entry-level exercise is the spiritual cleanse, since the physical action of cleaning helps beginners in their visualization. All of them marveled at how they feel after the exercise. Try it. It's free, and you have nothing to lose.

5 simple ways to clear negative energy
1.       Do a spiritual cleanse (bath/brushing).
a.       When you shower, visualize the water cleaning you glowing with pure white light. You're bathing in the purest white light, being cleansed of all the negative energies that may have formed (through your thoughts/speech/actions), or attached during the day. Feel the negative energies being washed away, like black ircky, slimy stuffs being washed away down the drain.
b.      When you are brushing your teeth, take the moment and visualize you're brushing away all the negative energies that are being stuck during the day. As you washed away the residues, visualize all the dirty/yucky negative energies being washed down the drain.

2.       Meditation. You can do this every night before you sleep, as a way to cleanse and end your day with peace. It doesn't have to be long. You can start with 1 min, 2 mins, then gradually increase to a timing as you deemed fit. 30 mins to an hour is recommended, though not required.
a.       Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Switch off/silent your phone.
b.      Sit down in a lotus pose, or cross legged, whichever way you feel comfortable
c.       Breathe in and out, slowly. As you breathe in, feel the air going down, and your abdominal expands. As you breathe out, let go of all the air entirely. Repeat.
d.      Once you have settled into the breathing pattern, visualize a white glow of light shining down on you. As you breathe, breathe in the light, and feel the light entering and filling up your body.
e.      You can stop as and when you want.

3.       Do a Yin/Yang Water Bath
a.       This exercise does not require any visualization, though visualization will definitely help. People usually do this when they feel down on luck, or if they feel they have been attached by a wandering spirit.
b.      Prepare a clean basin & towel (preferably new, and used only for this purpose in future), 7 grains of rice, sea salt (just a pinch or 2 will do). Add in cold water, then hot water.
c.       Wipe your entire body from top to toe with the towel soaked (and squeezed dry) with the yin/yang water.
d.      After you're done, flush the water into the toilet bowl, and shower as normal.

4.       Sorcerer Sweep
a.        Do the sorcerer sweep and wave away all the negative thoughts and attachment that may have been formed

5.       Cancel, Clear, Delete
a.       Caught yourself thinking negative thoughts, spoke negative words etc? Clear and cancel off the effect by saying/thinking in your mind "Cancel, Clear Delete". You can add in the sorcerer sweep as you do it.
b.      After you're done with canceling, repeat with a positive thought/word.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What is an Indigo Children

What Is an Indigo Child

The term Indigo Children gets passed around a lot these days in different circles.  However, not everyone is able to provide a good explanation of who they are and what they represent.  This leaves many people asking “What is an indigo child”?

The first signs of Indigo Children

In the 1960s and increasingly through the 1970s and 1980s people started noticing certain behaviors in children that had not been documented before.  They noticed children that seemed to process emotions differently.  They were very intuitive and could easily sense the energies around them.
These differences, along with other characteristics of Indigo Children, became the criteria that defines the Indigo Children as a group.  Since they were first noticed the population of Indigo Children has increased and some believe that as much as 90 percent of children born today are Indigos.

Indigo Child Definition

In their definitive book on the Indigo Children, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober provide the following definition:
“The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration.”
This definition provides the basic understanding of who the Indigo Kids are.  However, it can be a more difficult task to understand how to apply this definition to determine if someone is an Indigo Child or not.

Who are the Indigo Children

Much of what defines an Indigo Child lies in their subjective connection to the world.  These kids have a heightened sensitivity to surrounding energies, feel that life is too precious to let it fly by, and can’t figure out why others operate in anything but love.
Due to its personal nature, it is difficult to create a formal, scientific Indigo Children definition.  Furthermore, labeling someone, or even yourself, as an Indigo creates a separation from others.  This distinction can be used to raise them up as something special, or mark them as different or weird.
What is important to understand is that Indigo Kids bring with them the lesson of a new consciousness and a new way of perceiving the world.  This brings with it the possibility for a better world with increased understanding, a higher level of tolerance and harmony, and a new hope for everyone.

The four types of Indigo Children

There are four types if Indigos, each exhibiting their own unique skills and traits.  These types are:
  • Artist – exhibiting a more creative side, the artists are more sensitive and are interested in anything to do with the arts.  They will become actors, painters, and musicians.
  • Conceptual – These are more technical oriented and like to take on projects rather than work with people.  They are tomorrow’s scientists, engineers, computer developers, etc.
  • Humanist – these kids are high energy, sociable, and friendly.  They will typically end up in a role where they are helping people.
  • Interdimensional – less common than the previous three, these ones are the visionaries.  They will bring new philosophies and religions to the world.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Iridescent Goethite Lek lai 力泥

Goethite is one of the 7 minerals in the super seven crystal. It is a common iron oxide-hydroxide mineral that has a chemical composition of FeO(OH).It often forms as black crystal sprays on quartz druzies.

Below are some interesting facts about Goethite  (From Judy Hall’s  “Crystal Bible 2”) book

Goethite resonates with the #44, the number of metamorphosis (transformation)
Facilitates clairaudience and metaphysical abilities.

Useful for any form of divination, revealing soul intention for the future in situations where knowing this info would be helpful.

Meditating with goethite feels like being suspended in a still silent point of non action and non-doing
With goethite, you simply are. It opens a cosmic anchor, attaching us safely between the core of the earth and the galactic center.

Purifies the emotional body.
Releases hooks and past life feelings and beliefs about ourselves that no longer serve our purpose.
Fills our heart with compassion for what we have been through, showing the gift in the experience.

Supplies the energy necessary for enjoying the human experience
Enhances the flow of oxygen around the body.
Assists the physical body in recovery following any kind of trauma
Supports weight training
Beneficial for anemia, epilepsy, menorrhgia, ears, nose, throat, alimentary canal, veins, esophagus and bone marrow.

A useful communication tool – combines inspiration with the pragmatic ability to get things done

Strongly attuned to the healing power of nature
Enhances dowsing abilities, aligning to the note of the earth
Takes us to meet the “Devas” and the soul of the earth (anima terra)
Sensitizes us to subtle energies and the currents within the earth and the human body
Facilitates the fine-tuning of the energy meridiens of the planet
Clears the earth and the base chakras
Aligns the whole chakra system to connect the earth and higher mind

Cuts through depression, gloom and despondency
Instills light and hope into our life
Enhances metaphysical gifts

Monday, October 2, 2017

力泥 Lek lai





